For the past two years, Israel has relentlessly bombed U.N. schools and critical hospitals across the Gaza Strip. Scratch that. For the last seventy years, Israel has bombed schools, hospitals, mosques and public facilities claiming that Palestinians are immoral for hiding arms and fighters in such places.

“Israel’s claims and condemnations are justified. Even terror organisations should obey the basic rules of right and wrong” wrote an Israeli journalist for Haaretz in 2011.

But were Israel’s terror groups (or militias, as the West prefers to call them) bound to the same rules? A declassified CIA report from 1948 learns that Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah (which went on to form the Israeli government & IDF), hid their illegal arms and bombs in schools, synagogues, and hospitals.

Every accusation is a confession. So I began an investigation of my own, taking tips from declassified Mi5 and CIA documents to demonstrate how Zionist / Israeli terror groups used the same tactics they accuse Hamas of today.

    2 days ago

    I was going to reply point by point, but there isn’t really anything there and it began to get repetitive. At this point you are just blindly insulting me and trying to villify me by lying, presumably a defensive posturing because you can’t (and never have) actually addressed anything I have said. So you are now making things up like knowing my associations and whether I do anything to advance the causes I believe in. Just vague and made-up nonsense. If you believe lying is wrong, please do some self-criticism on this behavior. I certainly didn’t force you to embarrass yourself like this, this is all your own choices. Even just not replying would have been a better way to handle my fairly gentle criticisms. Criticisms complete with long explanations to give you chances to find common ground. Notice that despite your words trying to equate the genocidal occupiers and the resisting occupied, I did not simply start insulting you or making things up out of nothing. See, it is possible.

    I hope you can find ways to be more honest with yourself and others on this topic, because it is really not about you.