This is amazing
The UAE is very closely alligned with Israel and the US. Probably the closest of all countries in the region.
From the article:
Based take.
Wouldn’t forking Mozilla provide a stronger base than an entirely new browser?
Spread awareness about it and change my actions to mitigate the impact of it if I am able to do so. For example by protesting or boycotting.
Only reading about things and taking no action tends to pile up the emotions.
Are you just a Kamala apologist and don’t ACTUALLY care about anyone in Gaza. Kind of beyond that point I guess you must really care about all the Ukrainian too right?
2025 headlines are wild
Kamala did not only run on billions of dollars for genocide. Kamala was actively complicit in the genocide while sending those billions.
Implying Kamala managed to have worse takes than Trump. Who had very bad takes. The worst takes many say. does small hands impression
How much cognitive dissonance are you going through when you see leftists criticize Russia for inviting Netanyahu? Does it hurt knowing they do something Democrats are incapable of?
Only when I get a reply and need to reread the context above it
Gonna be a yikes from me Putin.
AliExpress has some great value budget stuff. But when buying electronics the very cheapest option is guaranteed hot garbage. Always spend a little above the minimum.
Of course lifelong Zionist Joe Biden wanted to support it. There was no reason for him to not use his leverage if he did not. Plenty of other American presidents have stopped Israel in the past when they went full genocide mode.
Rarest Oscars W.
Kamala dodged the presidency like Neo from the matrix with the amount of bad takes she had.
Thank you for outlying what changed your mind and what your previous concerns were. It is very informative to know what caused people to change their mind about stuff.