Like, say, you are a revolutionary who’s imprisoned, but you are allowed to write letters to your family. How would you covertly send a message to your fellow revolutionaries that only they can decode? (Your family are on your side will pass the letter along)
Obviously, it cannot appear to contain any obvious ciphertext, since the prison guards would just rip up your letter and not send it.
Um yea… about the code book idea…
It’s prison… all of your posessions would be confiscated
You would literally have to memorize all the ciphers
You usually get the book corresponding to your faith, so that would be an option. Given that the Bible (can’t speak mich about it but way less about the others) has chapters and verses and what not, addressing single words is simple.
For the “name of relative is the code”, yeah that needs a good memory.
There are hundreds (at least!) versions of the bible, and that’s just in English. Would have to make sure it’s exactly the same one.
“Request for a bible granted, here is the latest version of trump bible, newly edited just yesterday.”
Prisons have libraries