Serious answers only. For over a year I was told that trump “doesn’t have anything to do with that”.
I honestly need to know from an actual Republican who believed trumps words and is now witnessing p2025 almost hit 50% completion with the department of education getting dismantled.
And with that; how do these people feel that public schools, daycare centers and tech schools all going to cost 3-6x as much as it does now for tuition?
they’re not going to “snap out of it”. what he does for them isn’t the point. he could personally fire each and every Republican and fuck every one of their wives but as long as he’s a big tough guy triggering the libz, it’s all fine. this is just 21st century politics now.
Dang. At least in Black Mirror 21st century politics got to be shadow-ruled by an animated blue dog puppet, which took a modicum of the edge off the oppression.
I remember finding that episode annoying when it first came out.
I watched it again after 2016, and boy did I view it differently.