There’s no objectivity in politics. You’re a dangerous person when you think your choice of policy is objective.
there’s a dozen political ideologies in my country and during our democratic election, people vote differently.
If it was objective, then people would just do a simple calculation and all vote the same thing.
Like I bought an e bike with my tax money. Good for some stuff like one less car on the road. Bad for other stuff. Now there’s fewer taxes available for education.
It’s always subjective. You can state the goals objectively of your subjective policy, but it’s still subjective that you want that goal.
Guess your opinions on communism and the evil virus of Satan capitalism, Chinese media policies and everything else in this thread are worthless then. Why should anyone here waste their time?
It’s just your opinion, bro…
Oh no, I’m so sorry that communities that are specifically designed for members of that community don’t specifically want people who aren’t a member of that community in them, the horror!
I’m married, have a job, will be a dad, got friends, have a stress free life, am physically fit, have a good functioning brain. Am mentally healthy. Laugh and smile quite a lot.
A wealthy white man (middle aged I presume) who believes he can go wherever he wants and do whatever he wants.
Constantly gets kicked out or belittled whenever he decides to step out of his bubble. All because he keeps showing his asshole, which he also wants to lick.
I’m 29 years old. My parents are Belgians and when median net wealth is so high, the likelihood of generational wealth is high. Their income came from labour, my dad worked at a steel factory for 40 years. My mom did part time opening a bank and insurance service at home.
They built a house and bought the land next to it. Value of 1 million euros. Gifted to me and my brother. (3% tax)
So yeah, I have 150k euros and property.
Low cost of living as we all just live in one home. Can invest most of the income we have. My wife works 20 hours a week, she saves up 90% of her income.
Being white is kinda necessary to have European generational wealth. Why? Because European DNA is European. You call us white. We’re European. Immigration is relatively new. But social mobility here in Belgium is fantastic. Diaspora’s their parents also own their home.
Belgian nationals simply are wealthy. Why else do we have so many people migrating to this place.
I go where I please. You stay in your bubble and insult me for not being in my bubble. I’m a globalist. I do nothing else than leaving my bubble. I go where I please.
Belgian nationals simply are wealthy. Why else do we have so many people migrating to this place.
I already told you 💀 . You mfs pillage and burn the whole planet outside your bubble then act superior about how much more stuff your bubble has in it.
That is a major reason why I was so miserable in online fora controlled by centrists or white moderates. They basically let neofascists spew almost anything and the moderators rarely intervened. (In fact, there was one moderator who got angry at me for reporting somebody for heterosexism.) The only reason that I wasted as much time as I did on those fora was that I simply had nowhere better to go.
It’s like watching a team of firefighters sit back and chill out when there’s a housefire right in front of them.
You were miserable because nobody really shared your opinions. Then you found a group that does.
Kind seeks kind.
Well, I don’t give a fuck what kind you are. Laissez faire. If you don’t want to talk to me, you fucking won’t. Because you don’t like me.
I don’t need to exclude you by force. Over time, you will simply no longer be speaking to me.
Excluding people limits growth. You don’t have a clue who you will end up liking in the long term. If you decide books based on the cover, ah whatever it’s your damn life.
You don’t need to explain to me how reality works. I’m not that young.
Waving off toxicity like heterosexism and white supremacy as mere ‘opinions’ only suggests to everybody that you don’t take them seriously. Those aren’t trivial disagreements, like I think that the Star Wars prequels are boring whereas somebody else doesn’t. The consequences are far severer than that.
Consider spending time with a dictionary and stop with the stupid fucking advice. No one cares what you think will be successful. We don’t care if you are sensitive to offending white supremacists because we want to eradicate them all forever.
More have defederated from us than we have defederated from. People here tend not to tolerate racism, bigotry or typical fascist rhetoric. Tearing down or sharing articles tearing down typical neoliberal narratives tends to attract attention from the typical “China bad, Ukraine good” groups which encompass a wide, wide circle for some “strange” reason.
I’m curious on why you’re banned from so many socialist subreddits.
👀 you’re pro china and pro Palestine, but you’re aware that China is against Islam and Muslims in Europe are quite against China (ulghur thing) and heavily pro Palestine?
My Turkish diaspora coworker won’t even buy anything from temu lol.
I’m banned from socialist subreddits because I would question their ideals and they said that their subreddits are only for socialists.
So basically when someone said something against mainstream policy (ironic), then that person would get banned.
I’m a social democrat. It’s rather funny that we’re the most left leaning liberals and socialists dislike us more for it.
China, North Korea, etc are all states that are providing weaponry and support to Hamas in their struggle against Israel; weapons from China being found for example. On top of that, they are also advocating for full statehood for Palestine and hosting a forum where members of Hamas can meet and the factions can discuss with each other. So that is objectively untrue.
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the second largest organization after the United Nations with a membership of 57 states spread over four continents. The OIC released Resolutions on Muslim Communities and Muslim Minorities in the non-OIC Member States in 2019 which:
Welcomes the outcomes of the visit conducted by the General Secretariat’s delegation upon invitation from the People’s Republic of China; commends the efforts of the People’s Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens; and looks forward to further cooperation between the OIC and the People’s Republic of China. (pulled this from DeProgram, original article: In this same document, the OIC expressed much greater concern about the Rohingya Muslim Community in Myanmar, which the West was relatively silent on. (Which Meta helped fund and support an actual genocide there)
Even if you believe the deradicalization efforts are wholly unjustified, and that the mass detention of Uyghur’s amounts to a crime against humanity, it’s still not genocide. Even the U.S. State Department’s legal experts admit as much:
The U.S. State Department’s Office of the Legal Advisor concluded earlier this year that China’s mass imprisonment and forced labor of ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang amounts to crimes against humanity—but there was insufficient evidence to prove genocide, placing the United States’ top diplomatic lawyers at odds with both the Trump and Biden administrations, according to three former and current U.S. officials.
One of the main proponents of these narratives is Adrian Zenz, a German far-right fundamentalist Christian and Senior Fellow and Director in China Studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, who believes he is “led by God” on a “mission” against China has driven much of the narrative. He relies heavily on limited and questionable data sources, particularly from anonymous and unverified Uyghur sources, coming up with estimates based on assumptions which are not supported by concrete evidence.
The World Uyghur Congress, headquartered in Germany, is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which is a tool of U.S. foreign policy, using funding to support organizations that promote American interests rather than the interests of the local communities they claim to represent.
Radio Free Asia (RFA) is part of a larger project of U.S. imperialism in Asia, one that seeks to control the flow of information, undermine independent media, and advance American geopolitical interests in the region. Rather than providing an objective and impartial news source, RFA is a tool of U.S. foreign policy, one that seeks to shape the narrative in Asia in ways that serve the interests of the U.S. government and its allies.
You’re objectively wrong and this is probably why you were banned for spewing straight up U.S State Department talking points that are easily debunked with a bit of research instead of full-heartedly accepting C.I.A/NED fronts like “Council of Foreign Relations” (maybe meant something long ago) and debunked with a variety of sources from even the claimants own yes-men and social researchers struggling to find evidence. U.N also did not find evidence of a genocide.
So. What are your sources that are stronger than a self-debunk from U.S foreign policy, the U.N and multiple independent news organizations that don’t have USAID money flowing through them?
China is so against Islam that for decades it has specifically acted to protect and preserve religious and ethnic cultures with the permission of village people and elders, and for over a decade plus has refused to blame Islam for separatist and terrorist attacks, and instead righfully blames foreign interference and religious extremism/fundamentalism, rather than Islam itself.
China hates Islam so much that the government bans anti-Islamic and anti-Uyghur racial slurs and sentiment, criminalizes language and actions that threaten to deny Uyghur identity as being part of China. China hates muslims so much that muslim-related minority groups for decades had been exempt from child restriction policies. China hates muslims so much that government spends untold billions of dollars preserving their cultural practices, customs and beliefs.
China hates muslims so much that they spent billions creating up-to date mosques with air conditioning and safer architecture.
Now if there would be any Chinese here, they could talk about their society :)
I don’t really care about islam that much, even though my wife’s family are quite islamic.
It’s more the diaspora Turkish girl at work that is against china. She’s Muslim and she thinks China is bad for human rights.
Now that’s all for her to handle.
I mean, she’s also against Jews so much that I had to tell her we won’t genocide jews 😂 she’s 24 and has quite the opinions. She even voted for the communists in Belgium.
Ah, I’d say my bad for not knowing much about china. But I don’t care, if Chinese don’t talk to me, then that’s their problem. The reason why they don’t talk to me is because they can’t.
There is Chinese here. There is Russians here as well. Once again, you’re talking out of your ass.
You keep bringing up anecdotes. A lot of anti-communists use eastern european anti-communism as an example of the failures of the Soviet Union as an anecdote. My family from E. Germany told me “What did capitalism do in a 100 years that communism couldn’t? Make us hate capitalism.”
My partner and their family are from China and the Philippines. They do not have negative opinions of their origin, despite part of the family being from a nation that is typically not as friendly in geopolitics.
With that said, anecdotes mean nothing. U.N found no genocide. Multiple sources from within the U.S foreign policy apparatus and top diplomatic lawyers say the “genocide” is an out-right lie after borrowing sources from a right-wing evangelical nut-job “Adrian Zens”. Multiple independent news agencies such as the Grayzone also found no evidence.
Also, I saw another thing earlier where you were crying about IP banning and DNS regulations as dystopian. When you have an entity such as the United States and it’s intelligence agencies…that is a good thing actually. Do you need a list of every color revolution and military intervention the U.S has done? The horrible fucking things it has done that would make nearly any other Empire pale? (Yes, even the British and Mongols.)
The British and Mongols weren’t injecting lysergic acid into the brains of children because they were scared a geopolitical rival was doing mind-control. (They weren’t and MKULTRA was umbrella name for a litany of programs that came afterwards)
Closest would be Nazis. Oh wait. Nazis were directly inspired by America.
If you don’t even know the name of the ethnic group then kindly keep your mouth shut. You have absolutely no evidence for any of your claims besides “uhhh Adrian Zenz said so…”. I’m so sorry, providing education and security in a minority region is so awful. Would you prefer they take the European model and start actually oppressing their culture? Sorry, teaching Uyghur culture to people in schools is so awful and evil.
I saw videos of starved folks there and of education camps (Han washing). Don’t think the name matters though. Always switching up hazara or Zahara. Messing up the name doesn’t mean they didn’t get genocided by the Taliban.
Idk mate, it’s hilarious to me that you’re defending the Chinese on oppressing a minority while in Europe you scream oppression while we have a far higher % of other cultures here.
Have you ever been to china? My wife has worked for Chinese people in Indonesia, Singapore, has been in china.
China is the America of Asia to all the other Asians in Asia.
My wife doesn’t like the Chinese, but she gets called Chinese all the time. Karma 🥲
So your wife is a racist good-for-nothing shithead loser. I simply don’t care for what such an insignificant individual has to say about anything and frankly neither does anyone else. You have no evidence for these absurd claims and no one would believe them outside of your tiny circle of your far-right friends
My wife is quite useful. She achieved a 4 years la, degree in 3 years time by doing some of the classes during summers. She did a 6 week work week at a law office. Her education was paid by getting a scholarship. Top 5% university in Indonesia. She speaks perfect English, in a country where it’s quite rare. She’s beautiful, loving and kind.
All great then, anarcho capitalists had more impact on me because they refused to ban opposition. So they didn’t limit publicity of their ideals.
The isolationist/purist route always baffled me
Does pure germ theory disgust you too? Does the pure scientific method baffle your simple mind?
Hahahahahaa okay buddy
I’ll take that as a yes.
Just as a suspected
You jumped from something as subjective as politics to something as objective as science.
Like, come on. It’s funny!
You would care about objectivity
There’s no objectivity in politics. You’re a dangerous person when you think your choice of policy is objective.
there’s a dozen political ideologies in my country and during our democratic election, people vote differently.
If it was objective, then people would just do a simple calculation and all vote the same thing.
Like I bought an e bike with my tax money. Good for some stuff like one less car on the road. Bad for other stuff. Now there’s fewer taxes available for education.
It’s always subjective. You can state the goals objectively of your subjective policy, but it’s still subjective that you want that goal.
I don’t care about your fucking e-bike or your milquetoast critique
Guess your opinions on communism and the
evil virus of Satancapitalism, Chinese media policies and everything else in this thread are worthless then. Why should anyone here waste their time? It’s just your opinion, bro…Why would opinions be worthless?
The combination of all our opinions, is the basis of democracy.
We discuss our opinions, to come to a compromise.
People here have been giving arguments pro of the great firewall of china. It definitely has good sides to it.
But my opinion is of being a globalist. I think the arguments pro globalism outweigh the ones of isolationism.
If I do it well enough, then I’ll change some people’s opinions.
People think that people are morons. Coworkers think that coworkers are morons. People overestimate themselves and underestimate others.
So it’s really important to listen and challenge others their opinions which differ from your own.
Oh no, I’m so sorry that communities that are specifically designed for members of that community don’t specifically want people who aren’t a member of that community in them, the horror!
I’ve never had the desire to exclude people. Live and let live.
Then stay in your own space, it’s not that hard. And bragging that you wouldn’t exclude Nazis isn’t really a very good look
I go where I please
Unsuprized. Assumption of access is a hallmark of colonizers.
You sound like an insufferable loser, oh wait, you are!
I’m married, have a job, will be a dad, got friends, have a stress free life, am physically fit, have a good functioning brain. Am mentally healthy. Laugh and smile quite a lot.
I think I’ve been winning in life.
How about you
Your family hates you.
I already know that’s not true. Just look at the things you are saying
A wealthy white man (middle aged I presume) who believes he can go wherever he wants and do whatever he wants.
Constantly gets kicked out or belittled whenever he decides to step out of his bubble. All because he keeps showing his asshole, which he also wants to lick.
Life truly is a comedy.
I’m 29 years old. My parents are Belgians and when median net wealth is so high, the likelihood of generational wealth is high. Their income came from labour, my dad worked at a steel factory for 40 years. My mom did part time opening a bank and insurance service at home.
They built a house and bought the land next to it. Value of 1 million euros. Gifted to me and my brother. (3% tax)
So yeah, I have 150k euros and property.
Low cost of living as we all just live in one home. Can invest most of the income we have. My wife works 20 hours a week, she saves up 90% of her income.
Being white is kinda necessary to have European generational wealth. Why? Because European DNA is European. You call us white. We’re European. Immigration is relatively new. But social mobility here in Belgium is fantastic. Diaspora’s their parents also own their home.
Belgian nationals simply are wealthy. Why else do we have so many people migrating to this place.
I go where I please. You stay in your bubble and insult me for not being in my bubble. I’m a globalist. I do nothing else than leaving my bubble. I go where I please.
I already told you 💀 . You mfs pillage and burn the whole planet outside your bubble then act superior about how much more stuff your bubble has in it.
And then cry and whine like a baby when everyone else doesn’t ascribe to the same far-right neo-fascist delusions that you do
I’m a social democrat. We’re sane.
That is a major reason why I was so miserable in online fora controlled by centrists or white moderates. They basically let neofascists spew almost anything and the moderators rarely intervened. (In fact, there was one moderator who got angry at me for reporting somebody for heterosexism.) The only reason that I wasted as much time as I did on those fora was that I simply had nowhere better to go.
It’s like watching a team of firefighters sit back and chill out when there’s a housefire right in front of them.
You were miserable because nobody really shared your opinions. Then you found a group that does.
Kind seeks kind.
Well, I don’t give a fuck what kind you are. Laissez faire. If you don’t want to talk to me, you fucking won’t. Because you don’t like me.
I don’t need to exclude you by force. Over time, you will simply no longer be speaking to me.
Excluding people limits growth. You don’t have a clue who you will end up liking in the long term. If you decide books based on the cover, ah whatever it’s your damn life.
You don’t need to explain to me how reality works. I’m not that young.
Waving off toxicity like heterosexism and white supremacy as mere ‘opinions’ only suggests to everybody that you don’t take them seriously. Those aren’t trivial disagreements, like I think that the Star Wars prequels are boring whereas somebody else doesn’t. The consequences are far severer than that.
The cussing can stop.
Those can all be changed into: discrimination is wrong.
It’s a neutral term that doesn’t give away the side of people you want to defend.
Heterosexism? Are you against heteros? White supremacy, are you against white people?
You antagonise heterosexuals and white people here. Doesn’t matter that it isn’t your intention. Just say pro LGBTQ+. Pro racial diversity.
You need to stop antagonising people if you wish to advance.
It’s the difference of biking on an asphalt road or one with all rocks in it.
It’d be a shame on my family if I stopped cussing. Godverdomme!
Consider spending time with a dictionary and stop with the stupid fucking advice. No one cares what you think will be successful. We don’t care if you are sensitive to offending white supremacists because we want to eradicate them all forever.
I think it’s more like watching a bunch of arsonists wearing firefighter uniforms stand back and relax watching
More have defederated from us than we have defederated from. People here tend not to tolerate racism, bigotry or typical fascist rhetoric. Tearing down or sharing articles tearing down typical neoliberal narratives tends to attract attention from the typical “China bad, Ukraine good” groups which encompass a wide, wide circle for some “strange” reason.
I’m curious on why you’re banned from so many socialist subreddits.
👀 you’re pro china and pro Palestine, but you’re aware that China is against Islam and Muslims in Europe are quite against China (ulghur thing) and heavily pro Palestine?
My Turkish diaspora coworker won’t even buy anything from temu lol.
I’m banned from socialist subreddits because I would question their ideals and they said that their subreddits are only for socialists.
So basically when someone said something against mainstream policy (ironic), then that person would get banned.
I’m a social democrat. It’s rather funny that we’re the most left leaning liberals and socialists dislike us more for it.
China, North Korea, etc are all states that are providing weaponry and support to Hamas in their struggle against Israel; weapons from China being found for example. On top of that, they are also advocating for full statehood for Palestine and hosting a forum where members of Hamas can meet and the factions can discuss with each other. So that is objectively untrue.
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the second largest organization after the United Nations with a membership of 57 states spread over four continents. The OIC released Resolutions on Muslim Communities and Muslim Minorities in the non-OIC Member States in 2019 which:
Even if you believe the deradicalization efforts are wholly unjustified, and that the mass detention of Uyghur’s amounts to a crime against humanity, it’s still not genocide. Even the U.S. State Department’s legal experts admit as much:
The U.S. State Department’s Office of the Legal Advisor concluded earlier this year that China’s mass imprisonment and forced labor of ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang amounts to crimes against humanity—but there was insufficient evidence to prove genocide, placing the United States’ top diplomatic lawyers at odds with both the Trump and Biden administrations, according to three former and current U.S. officials.
Who is driving the Uyghur genocide narrative?
One of the main proponents of these narratives is Adrian Zenz, a German far-right fundamentalist Christian and Senior Fellow and Director in China Studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, who believes he is “led by God” on a “mission” against China has driven much of the narrative. He relies heavily on limited and questionable data sources, particularly from anonymous and unverified Uyghur sources, coming up with estimates based on assumptions which are not supported by concrete evidence.
The World Uyghur Congress, headquartered in Germany, is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which is a tool of U.S. foreign policy, using funding to support organizations that promote American interests rather than the interests of the local communities they claim to represent.
Radio Free Asia (RFA) is part of a larger project of U.S. imperialism in Asia, one that seeks to control the flow of information, undermine independent media, and advance American geopolitical interests in the region. Rather than providing an objective and impartial news source, RFA is a tool of U.S. foreign policy, one that seeks to shape the narrative in Asia in ways that serve the interests of the U.S. government and its allies.
Truckload of sources.
You’re objectively wrong and this is probably why you were banned for spewing straight up U.S State Department talking points that are easily debunked with a bit of research instead of full-heartedly accepting C.I.A/NED fronts like “Council of Foreign Relations” (maybe meant something long ago) and debunked with a variety of sources from even the claimants own yes-men and social researchers struggling to find evidence. U.N also did not find evidence of a genocide.
So. What are your sources that are stronger than a self-debunk from U.S foreign policy, the U.N and multiple independent news organizations that don’t have USAID money flowing through them?
China is so against Islam that for decades it has specifically acted to protect and preserve religious and ethnic cultures with the permission of village people and elders, and for over a decade plus has refused to blame Islam for separatist and terrorist attacks, and instead righfully blames foreign interference and religious extremism/fundamentalism, rather than Islam itself.
China hates Islam so much that the government bans anti-Islamic and anti-Uyghur racial slurs and sentiment, criminalizes language and actions that threaten to deny Uyghur identity as being part of China. China hates muslims so much that muslim-related minority groups for decades had been exempt from child restriction policies. China hates muslims so much that government spends untold billions of dollars preserving their cultural practices, customs and beliefs.
China hates muslims so much that they spent billions creating up-to date mosques with air conditioning and safer architecture.
Now if there would be any Chinese here, they could talk about their society :)
I don’t really care about islam that much, even though my wife’s family are quite islamic.
It’s more the diaspora Turkish girl at work that is against china. She’s Muslim and she thinks China is bad for human rights.
Now that’s all for her to handle.
I mean, she’s also against Jews so much that I had to tell her we won’t genocide jews 😂 she’s 24 and has quite the opinions. She even voted for the communists in Belgium.
Ah, I’d say my bad for not knowing much about china. But I don’t care, if Chinese don’t talk to me, then that’s their problem. The reason why they don’t talk to me is because they can’t.
There is Chinese here. There is Russians here as well. Once again, you’re talking out of your ass.
You keep bringing up anecdotes. A lot of anti-communists use eastern european anti-communism as an example of the failures of the Soviet Union as an anecdote. My family from E. Germany told me “What did capitalism do in a 100 years that communism couldn’t? Make us hate capitalism.”
My partner and their family are from China and the Philippines. They do not have negative opinions of their origin, despite part of the family being from a nation that is typically not as friendly in geopolitics.
With that said, anecdotes mean nothing. U.N found no genocide. Multiple sources from within the U.S foreign policy apparatus and top diplomatic lawyers say the “genocide” is an out-right lie after borrowing sources from a right-wing evangelical nut-job “Adrian Zens”. Multiple independent news agencies such as the Grayzone also found no evidence.
Also, I saw another thing earlier where you were crying about IP banning and DNS regulations as dystopian. When you have an entity such as the United States and it’s intelligence agencies…that is a good thing actually. Do you need a list of every color revolution and military intervention the U.S has done? The horrible fucking things it has done that would make nearly any other Empire pale? (Yes, even the British and Mongols.)
The British and Mongols weren’t injecting lysergic acid into the brains of children because they were scared a geopolitical rival was doing mind-control. (They weren’t and MKULTRA was umbrella name for a litany of programs that came afterwards)
Closest would be Nazis. Oh wait. Nazis were directly inspired by America.
Do you lick your own asshole?
I would if I could ahahahhaha
What in the world is “the ulghur thing”?
Ask her 😂 concentration camps guiding Muslim Chinese into being traditional han-like Chinese. Something like that.
Impacted something like a million people or something. Idk, it’s been in the news some years ago.
Let’s Google 🤨
Uyghurs, not ulghur whoopsiedaisy
If you don’t even know the name of the ethnic group then kindly keep your mouth shut. You have absolutely no evidence for any of your claims besides “uhhh Adrian Zenz said so…”. I’m so sorry, providing education and security in a minority region is so awful. Would you prefer they take the European model and start actually oppressing their culture? Sorry, teaching Uyghur culture to people in schools is so awful and evil.
I saw videos of starved folks there and of education camps (Han washing). Don’t think the name matters though. Always switching up hazara or Zahara. Messing up the name doesn’t mean they didn’t get genocided by the Taliban.
Idk mate, it’s hilarious to me that you’re defending the Chinese on oppressing a minority while in Europe you scream oppression while we have a far higher % of other cultures here.
Have you ever been to china? My wife has worked for Chinese people in Indonesia, Singapore, has been in china.
China is the America of Asia to all the other Asians in Asia.
My wife doesn’t like the Chinese, but she gets called Chinese all the time. Karma 🥲
So your wife is a racist good-for-nothing shithead loser. I simply don’t care for what such an insignificant individual has to say about anything and frankly neither does anyone else. You have no evidence for these absurd claims and no one would believe them outside of your tiny circle of your far-right friends
My wife is quite useful. She achieved a 4 years la, degree in 3 years time by doing some of the classes during summers. She did a 6 week work week at a law office. Her education was paid by getting a scholarship. Top 5% university in Indonesia. She speaks perfect English, in a country where it’s quite rare. She’s beautiful, loving and kind.
Do you have anyone speaking about you this way?