I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
There’s a game for the NES called Dynowarz and the main character’s name is Professor Proteus. The game is… not great. I loved it as a kid even though I was terrible at it. The music rules though, and I’ll die on that hill.
I’ve never seen a single other person talk about this game since I played it back in the early 90s so I wanted to give it some love 😊
Seems like a fine game, though jumping sucks, music is nice but repetitive.
You’re right, the tracks are pretty short. But since the game is from my childhood it just has that special something in my heart, you know? And I also agree that the controls could have been better. If you make it to the part where he jumps into the robot dinosaur (my PFP, I forgot to add), there’s a nice variety of weapon pickups to keep the combat at least a tiny bit interesting.
Either way, I’m glad you gave it a shot!
Because of you, I’m going to locate this game and at the very least listen to the music.
I must admit, nostalgia has an outsized influence on my enjoyment of the things I grew up with, but I’m glad other people are giving it a chance! Like the other person said, the music is a little repetitive, but a lot of games were like that back then. Not everyone can be Koji Kondo!
Yeah, I’ve recently gotten into NES emulation (i.e., writing my own emulator), and I never had the money to get into console gaming in the '80s and '90s. Some of the art and music is timeless.