Everyone, point and laugh. Unfortunately, that’s the most anyone can do.
They won’t get indicted for child endangerment and criminal negligence because Paxton is in charge of that for TX, and Bondi is in charge of that now Federally, and they’re drinking the asbestos-flavored kool-aid.
It would be a crime to shoot anti-vaxxers dead, like when they’re sleeping or stopped at a traffic light, but it would probably be a net positive on lives saved.
Everyone, point and laugh. Unfortunately, that’s the most anyone can do.
They won’t get indicted for child endangerment and criminal negligence because Paxton is in charge of that for TX, and Bondi is in charge of that now Federally, and they’re drinking the asbestos-flavored kool-aid.
What if you told them that the parents got a very late term abortion?
Oh shit, that could work. “Post-partum abortion”. Guys, maybe we have something here.
its going to be flouride free water soon, they can get as much cavaties as they want now.
It would be a crime to shoot anti-vaxxers dead, like when they’re sleeping or stopped at a traffic light, but it would probably be a net positive on lives saved.