Does this asshat realize that the only non-immigrants in this country are the Native Americans? I mean even after 9/11 there weren’t mass deportations of people of Middle Eastern descent. Racism and prejudice, yes, but this is ridiculous all because of Fentanyl?
I have a better and more empathetic idea – meet people where they are and help them find a path that works for them to get out of the addiction spiral. This is just going to lead to an increase in drug prices, which will lead to even more crime.
Does this asshat realize that the only non-immigrants in this country are the Native Americans?
Yes, they are fully aware that when they talk about “immigrants”, they aren’t actually talking about immigrants, they are talking about people who aren’t white.
The actual goal of the “I don’t like these illegals” people is to make the US a white ethno-state.
It goes farther than that, it’s a Republican issue and has been for decades. Trump is just saying the quiet parts out loud.
And traumatizing the fuck out of me because I grew up with a narcissistic parent and was subject to her wildly changing decisions, gaslighting, and her always saying the quite part out loud as if they are incapable of thinking without speaking.
Does this asshat realize that the only non-immigrants in this country are the Native Americans? I mean even after 9/11 there weren’t mass deportations of people of Middle Eastern descent. Racism and prejudice, yes, but this is ridiculous all because of Fentanyl?
I have a better and more empathetic idea – meet people where they are and help them find a path that works for them to get out of the addiction spiral. This is just going to lead to an increase in drug prices, which will lead to even more crime.
Watch out. He’ll try to deport all the Native Americans to Northeast Siberia. Their ancestors were just very, very early illegal immigrants.
Yes, they are fully aware that when they talk about “immigrants”, they aren’t actually talking about immigrants, they are talking about people who aren’t white.
The actual goal of the “I don’t like these illegals” people is to make the US a white ethno-state.
They’re not exactly trying to implement a sensible and logical immigration policy though.
They told a Native American to go back where he came from so, no, they do not understand.
Do you actually think Trump or anybody in his circle has empathy? They have all shown that it’s a foreign concept to them.
It goes farther than that, it’s a Republican issue and has been for decades. Trump is just saying the quiet parts out loud.
And traumatizing the fuck out of me because I grew up with a narcissistic parent and was subject to her wildly changing decisions, gaslighting, and her always saying the quite part out loud as if they are incapable of thinking without speaking.
Why Elon Musk is wrong about empathy
If you’re not pre Clovis, get out!