I am so tired of being part of the YT algo. Is there a somewhat decent alternative to youtube? I already have Nebula but that doesn’t give me my news and show talking head fix
I am so tired of being part of the YT algo. Is there a somewhat decent alternative to youtube? I already have Nebula but that doesn’t give me my news and show talking head fix
https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions is my Youtube bookmark. It’s just who I’m subscribed to. That’s it.
I just wanted to mention, because apparently only ~7% of us exist who use the Subscriptions feed, according to various Youtubers showing off their stats pages.
Wait, what do the other 93% do?
Homepage. That’s where those complaints that people never see a youtuber’s videos “anymore” comes from.
Its impossible for me to subscribe to a youtuber because I don’t have (and don’t want) a Youtube account. I understand Youtubers get more visibility with more subscriptions, but I just don’t want to be part of the algorithm. I can close my private browser, and any algorithm infection is wiped clean from my view.
You can download newpipe and subscribe there. It makes a local subscription, no account needed. Also no ads.
Every channel has an RSS feed. I use that instead.
Depending on your setup, YouTube will still fingerprint your browser and track your behavior, as is common practice with ad networks.
Your cookies and data might be cleared but as long as yt has any way to generate a unique identifier out of your browser preferences, it will identify you and start looking at your behavior / figuring out an algorithm.
Just fyi.
Sure, it can start building it again just with what I search to watch. Then I get to close the browser again and wipe it clean again. I know that fingerprinting exists, but I’m not seeing its behavior for video suggestions. In fact, I do see tracking by IP because I’ll get suggested things I know my wife is looking at (and we’re coming from the same IP). Even those are few and far between though.
I would strongly recommend using a VPN and changing servers regularly in that case.