So like, obviously it’s fair to still be mad about the Armenian genocide or fall of the USSR. So I’m more looking for little things most people ignore but You’re hung up on for one reason for another.

I.e, my salt would be

● EA buying the developer of dungeon keeper and turning it into a crappy mobile game (I know someone made their own version like the old ones but still)

●In fact actually just the fact that big studios bought up a bunch of immersive Sim IPs and then killed them, either remaking them worse of draining them of all their original charm (Deus Ex, thief, prey*

I know prey got a good remake but that was 90% unrelated to the original prey and Bethesda got that by specifically killing the company making prey despite the fact that they had a functioning product)

●Subscription services being everywhere

● JJ Abrams in general and his stupid mystery box specifically

●Disney in general, and that their live action remakes are such a hit despite being so garbage

● The really annoyingly pervasive idea that a writer is in conflict with their reader and needs to beat them/not care about them (i.e, Emil Pagliarulo’s paper airplanes, Steven Moffats obession with besting the audience in his Sherlock remake, Alex Aster’s obsession with trying to make sure people won’t predict her twists in her Lightlark series, etc.)

●The fact that I’m always told to “just use uber” when I say I don’t like having to drive when it’s both stupid expensive and the company is the bane of my existence


(Yes part of this post was just me venting, sorry)

    3 days ago

    I absolutely detest Aaron Sorkin’s writing. I hate how entertaining it is, I just watched an hour’s worth of the newsroom clips. I enjoy it, but I can’t stand all the smug, self-satisfied liberal drivel. West wing is even worse in that regard, it’s chock full of apologia for the worst active war criminal on the planet, given the veneer that he’s just a guy trying his best to save the world he’s in the process of murdering.

    I dislike video essayists read one (1) book and make a 40-120 minute video about a large topic using mainly that one book. This is also one of the good reasons to look down on the musical Hamilton and the people who like it too much.

    I may be skirting the definition of small but DRM and client side anti-cheats. Some of them are basically malware, sifting through the user’s files. Fuck knows what’s stopping it reading my browser, getting my banking info or email. Besides, a DRM’s only as good as how long it takes folks to produce a crack in the first place. Once it’s out there, best publishers can do is lock out further content, and truth be told, I’ve yet to find any such content that’s worth the money or the time to play.

    I really dislike the Legend of Korra. I adored Book 1 as a media illiterate kid. Then it got worse and I got older. The gang isn’t very likable, much of their adventures feel like a waste of time, the gaang’s story got butchered and the world building got obliterated. I seem to be in the minority in disliking even Book 3, Zaheer, and his flying technique. (stranding still, floating isn’t a natural behaviour of air and isn’t encompassed by being the leaf)

      3 days ago

      I used to LOVE Legend of Korra as well, and while I don’t hate the show, it hasn’t aged well in how much of a neoliberal bootlickery series that it is.