Are there good tests? All tests that I have done so far don’t make sense, the questions are general and hard to answer. I don’t go to social events and I don’t meet new people often so I can’t answer how would i feel about it and they don’t give an option to skip the question. And how am I supposed to know if people around notice small sounds or not? Such questions don’t make sense to me. Deepseek bot told me that not understanding how to answer tests might be a trait by itself. Do you have any good tests for potential autistic person to do to figure out more about themselves?
Which online tests have you done? I’m assuming from the screenshot you’ve done the AQ test (which is one of the more scientific ones) and looked at the others on the Embrace Autism website.
I would also not rely on any LLM for advice in this regard. There’s a lot of misleading and plain wrong information on the Internet and much of it has likely been incorporated into the major LLMs.
I have done 2 tests from that website with 10 and 50 questions. I have done tests from some other websites but they were similar. I didn’t look into some other tests yet, deepseek suggested to take RAADS-R, CAT-Q and Aspie Quiz, but i didn’t look them up yet
The RAADS-R is worth doing and it is used in formal diagnosis here in Australia.
Thank you, i will do this one too