There are hotlines to report offenders.
Flood the lines with reports of musk and any other project 2025 billionaires you wish.
Make the hotline useless
ICE accepts anonymous reports by phone and online.
Call 1-866-347-2423, the ICE Homeland Security Investigations Tip Line, to report an immigration violation from the U.S. or Canada. If you are in another country, call 1-802-872-6199.
Report an immigration violation online using the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE Tip Form.
That’s not going to work. To make it work, you need to be reporting people who aren’t well-known - ie, like the overt white supremacists in your own town.
Nothing new about this - the Viet Cong used this tactic. They’d memorise the names of US/ARVN collaborators in their own towns and villages in case they were ever captured and were forced to give up names under torture.
This way, the CIA death squads would end up murdering their own informant network.
There’s no point in merely making political points any longer - you have to use their own systems to hurt them.
There are hotlines to report offenders. Flood the lines with reports of musk and any other project 2025 billionaires you wish. Make the hotline useless
What are the hotlines?
Post the phone numbers
ICE accepts anonymous reports by phone and online.
Call 1-866-347-2423, the ICE Homeland Security Investigations Tip Line, to report an immigration violation from the U.S. or Canada. If you are in another country, call 1-802-872-6199.
Report an immigration violation online using the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE Tip Form.
LAST UPDATED: November 5, 2024
That’s not going to work. To make it work, you need to be reporting people who aren’t well-known - ie, like the overt white supremacists in your own town.
Good point
Nothing new about this - the Viet Cong used this tactic. They’d memorise the names of US/ARVN collaborators in their own towns and villages in case they were ever captured and were forced to give up names under torture.
This way, the CIA death squads would end up murdering their own informant network.
There’s no point in merely making political points any longer - you have to use their own systems to hurt them.