I really feel like this past year I’ve been feeling the heat a lot more. It’s not meant to be nearly as hot today as the last three but I’m still feeling it. Maybe I also need to drink more water… might have to do with the ADHD medication too…
Made very very minor progress on uni stuff but brain has otherwise shut down after poor sleep last night. I have developed a bit of a nasty attitude to this project, sadly. It’s now just this awful traumatic thing I need to get out of the way. Not how I intended to finish this degree but w/e.
Should be ready to finally get a belated start on my uni fieldwork tomorrow at least. Even half a day is better than nothing!
ADHD meds tend to do that (they also increase my baseline levels of anxiety 😅). It’s like you keep drinking water but it feels like it’s never enough. Hope things pick up soon for you <3
I take a really low dose so that I don’t have as much of an issue with the anxiety but boy the heat intolerance is something else. I confess I feel a bit better after some ice cream lol.
Thanks, I needed to hear that. I’m trying to let go of this old story about who I thought I was and what I was good at. I’m learning to be fundamentally ok with who I am even if I’m not impressing anyone anymore. Even if I need to limp to the finish line I’ll make it happen!
I’m limping to the line with my study, so I completely understand. Lost my routine and mojo over the Xmas break and only just had a look today to pick up where I left it. Gave myself a panic attack, cried and emailed my trainer who has very gently given me the push I need to start/finish. And because I needed kindness and she gave it, I can give that to others.
I really feel like this past year I’ve been feeling the heat a lot more. It’s not meant to be nearly as hot today as the last three but I’m still feeling it. Maybe I also need to drink more water… might have to do with the ADHD medication too…
Made very very minor progress on uni stuff but brain has otherwise shut down after poor sleep last night. I have developed a bit of a nasty attitude to this project, sadly. It’s now just this awful traumatic thing I need to get out of the way. Not how I intended to finish this degree but w/e.
Should be ready to finally get a belated start on my uni fieldwork tomorrow at least. Even half a day is better than nothing!
ADHD meds tend to do that (they also increase my baseline levels of anxiety 😅). It’s like you keep drinking water but it feels like it’s never enough. Hope things pick up soon for you <3
I take a really low dose so that I don’t have as much of an issue with the anxiety but boy the heat intolerance is something else. I confess I feel a bit better after some ice cream lol.
If it helps I think Bulla Ice cream is half price over at Coles this week now.
Tomorrow we’re in for a hot one apparently of 33 and next week Wednesday it’s forecasted for 36.
Oh man, 37 next Wednesday is such a drag… probably gonna be hot through to March but by June we wouldn’t even remember what this feels like
Same thing here with the ADHD meds. I sweat A LOT these days
Study is hard, especially when life happens and then you lose your mojo. Be kind to yourself, you will get there!
Thanks, I needed to hear that. I’m trying to let go of this old story about who I thought I was and what I was good at. I’m learning to be fundamentally ok with who I am even if I’m not impressing anyone anymore. Even if I need to limp to the finish line I’ll make it happen!
I’m limping to the line with my study, so I completely understand. Lost my routine and mojo over the Xmas break and only just had a look today to pick up where I left it. Gave myself a panic attack, cried and emailed my trainer who has very gently given me the push I need to start/finish. And because I needed kindness and she gave it, I can give that to others.
💜 all the best to us both over the next semester. We got this