Please don’t hate Americans and the USA. Direct your disgust at the dolt-in-chief and those who elected/support him. Most Americans are kicking themselves for not doing more to keep him out of any position of leadership.
Please don’t hate Americans and the USA. Direct your disgust at the dolt-in-chief and those who elected/support him. Most Americans are kicking themselves for not doing more to keep him out of any position of leadership.
You can say whatever, but it is the second time it happens.
Theres an old saying in Tennessee, I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee. Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me… you can’t get fooled again.
You are quoting the shrub. Another sad turn in US history.
Just pointing out american stupidity, which has a long and rich history lol
Ah, and in case clarification is needed a shrub is a small bush.
And this time you can’t even blame the electoral college.
Hardest thing to make Americans see is that this is how we are. We have the best propoganda in the world for our own citizens. They can look at our largest national export of causing pain to brown people, and go that’s not “us”, that’s “them”.
Hate to break it to ya’ll, them is us.
There’s something uniquely American about asking the world to not start hating the US now that you’re paying attention