The Supreme Law of the Land, The Constitution bars him from a 3rd term. It would take a constitutional amendment to change that, which requires 2/3’s of both houses, and 3/4 of the states. LoL, no buddy you can’t. He’s not 100% sure of a lot of things, this is but one, a huge one.
I’m pretty sure they all know what’s going on, trio squid dinner date.
It’ll cost you some serious green.
I would sign, alas I don’t have citizenship.
Wasn’t that a Paul Simon song? Lentils in her pockets, diamonds on the soles of her shoes? ;-)
Reminds me of a line another song from Brooklyn Funk Essentials, "How many times have we told you, “Don’t get caught!” I must be in a musical mood today.
Agreed, it doesn’t look good for truth, justice, freedom, democracy, and bunch of other things I hold dear. None the less, we shall persevere. Hang in there, my friend.
This is always the plan. Spew BS till folks are so stressed they can’t mount a response. This is exactly what he did last time. Don’t buy into the GOPer / Trumper BS. Instead, make him own the presidency, call and write about every single thing that needs fixing, every thing that he hasn’t fixed.
and/or for a joke that may amuse only themselves.
How does a Fed AG get to just ignore written questions from the Senate? Weird. Do your job, Bondi.
I strongly advise in favor of extending one’s yearly natal celebration, if only for logistical reasons. It’s insane trying to get everyone in one place on the same day, and so unnecessary. A month is quite reasonable. Heck, it took 9 months to make you. Anything less is an insult to your Mother.
Never tell them. They owe you, now.
Try grinding 60ml of flax, sesame, cumin, black cumin, and fenugreek in a mortar /pestle. It’s too much work. I’m a tool using primate, and I like powertools. For 5ml, even 20ml hand power is fine. The Chinese developed a thing called a “Brass Boat” for grinding up larger quantities, “manually”, actually by foot/ leg power. Alas, I can’t seem to find an image for ya.
An electric ‘coffee grinder’ just for grinding up spices / seeds. Don’t use the regular coffee grinder, or your coffee drinking housemates will get super annoyed. The flavor, and nutrition is so much better when you cook with freshly ground spices.
I mean it is a trash article from a trash website, but you’re welcome. If you want to post trash, you may as well make it easier for people to read. Have you considered copy and paste the words to a comment in the post? People might actually read it, before they downvote it. But probably not.
When I went to your link, a further link was necessary to get to the story itself. The page is full of all kinds of distractions, e.g. the sort of crap to don’t see on the page in front of you as you read this sentence. But hey, I could be mistaken, it’s happened before. Tho’ in this case I don’t think so, here’s your link: (, does it look the same to you? Have a nice day.
What a hideous website. If you are interested, here is the actual link to the article itself:
I know this will shock everyone, destabilize the entire Xitter platform, and here goes… I will no longer post there, either.
How does feel about this? LoL, chickens against robots, it’s just goofy. Just another distraction from the ‘party of seriousness’. From my perspective another wonderful opportunity to ridicule these silly goofs.