The definitive ninja action-adventure franchise returns with NINJA GAIDEN 4! Embark on a cutting-edge adventure where legacy meets innovation in a high-octane blend of style and no-holds-barred combat.
It’s been 13 years. 3 released all the way back in the PS3/360 era.
Not complaining about more Ninja Gaiden. Just feels a bit weird to see 4 after what feels like the series was just left on hiatus. Kinda figure they’d take the chance to get a fresh start, though the plot seems like it’s more a soft reboot.
It’s been 13 years. 3 released all the way back in the PS3/360 era.
Not complaining about more Ninja Gaiden. Just feels a bit weird to see 4 after what feels like the series was just left on hiatus. Kinda figure they’d take the chance to get a fresh start, though the plot seems like it’s more a soft reboot.
They had that weird Ninja Gaiden Yaiba game
But yeah, without Tounobu at the helm, Tecmo doesn’t seem as motivated to make releases.
Something that stands out to me, though, is it lists Platinum Games as the developer.