What I’m taking from this is to involve more a-ha into my relationships. This is doable.
What I’m taking from this is to involve more a-ha into my relationships. This is doable.
The upper head looks so done with this shit. That was not a naturally born centaur with a face-ass. That’s the horrible result of magic gone wrong.
How long has he been forced to play? How long must this go on? Why did the droopy one have to come to this show? They broke up, it just wasn’t working, why does she still show up every time?
“Aww, he developed the Deep Vein Thrombosis debuff…”
This is the risk you take when you go for the emergency tactic.
Make sure you have good traction before doin’ the ol’ “Won’t fight a man with his penis out”.
We also take flower names.
It’s not any better over here, if too many of us gather we combine into a rosebush against our wills.
This is a really interesting question. In my opinion, absolutely yes. It’s a piece of someone’s hobby, a passion large or small. A time capsule of things that made someone happy.
Beyond that, in cases like the authors friends love of Sea of Thieves, it can show a bit of the community they sought, the people they interacted with. A small tendril of ourselves, reaching out and entwining with others.
And, for those who maybe only knew the person online, never had the chance or want for an in-person meetup, it’s a place to mourn. A digital marker of a life once lived, a finished book of memories. The games themselves may come and go, but the traces they left will be there, captured in achievements and screenshots, to be shared as long as a copy exists.
Y’know, you should consider yourself lucky.
You don’t encounter vagina dentata every day.
Good on them. Not that the last two DOOM titles have been short of excellent, in my opinion, but I’d rather lose the multiplayer if it means I get more of what makes DOOM, DOOM, an army of demons to slay and all the pretty toys to do it with.
I haven’t had any issues from anything I’ve gotten from them. Just the standard GOG offline install files.
You’re cute.
It’s been 13 years. 3 released all the way back in the PS3/360 era.
Not complaining about more Ninja Gaiden. Just feels a bit weird to see 4 after what feels like the series was just left on hiatus. Kinda figure they’d take the chance to get a fresh start, though the plot seems like it’s more a soft reboot.
But where was Mayor Fleck when a man fell into the river in Lego City‽ Can someone explain that?
Serious, but no serious care for the people!
From the same series that has two volleyball games.
With a focus on “social” gifting including skimpier swimwear and suggestive posing.
With a story that revolves around a rich pervert wanting a bunch of young girls in bikinis running around.
Black vultures, for me.
We have some that hunt through the dumpsters at work when deli does toss-out. I felt rather dumb assuming they had a fancier name.
Pretty neat birds to watch, though. I lost some time while they strutted about, pretty much ignoring my existence once I had tossed all our old bread.
There’s also Mini Motorways. Same concept, different pieces. Heavily recommend both, both can scratch those “I just want to have a chill time” and “I wanna optimize and challenge myself” itches.
Super easy to pick up, spend your lunch break placing lines, and go back to whatever you were doing.
The froyo contains potassium benzoate.