i may just have had bad teachers but i to this day have no idea what chemistry at pre-university level were supposed to teach. the labs were all about watching things change, with no explanation as to why. and the theory parts were all about balancing reactions. none of it connected.
Honestly titration in hs made me not like chemistry. Still think it’s fun to do improvised metal plating with a battery and some salt water though
Its not really hard how boring it is.
Quantitative analysis flashbacks form this, I learned the fastest way to figure out how much reactant you need to figure out the tipping point of the ph was to just run quickly adding large jumps of aloquates on the first attempt ,let it turn dark, then on the next one go ahead and add a safe amount of reactant I found from the first attempt then go super slow with the drip rate after. Was pretty consistently one of the first to leave lab
Micropipettes ftw!
What a high it was when I did titration in high school and managed to get so close that the liquid appeared colorless unless you held a white sheet of paper next to it.
It was tinted, but just barely.
I did this once too I was using half drops with a DI water squirter to rinse them into solution
The chosen one!