ID: photo of a dark road through some woods, in the lower right is text saying “The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting.”
ID: photo of a dark road through some woods, in the lower right is text saying “The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting.”
To be fair, so is the road to normalcy.
Change a few words around and this meme could be about Q-anon people during the height of the COVID pandemic yelling about FEMA camps. Or, it could be about people freaking out about the supposed 2012 “Maya apocalypse”.
Just because someone is reacting strongly doesn’t mean they’re necessarily right. Although, in this case, the fascism in the US is pretty obvious to everyone.
Bullshit false equivalency. The difference comes down to critical thought. The things you listed are just ridiculous conspiracy theory BS that falls apart every time at the slightest criticism.
Na, your examples are just more of the road to fascism.
Also trying to compare the legitimate reactions of marginalised people to our lives being put under threat, that get framed by those with more privilege as an overreaction, to an actual overreaction by those with privilege to no threat whatsoever other than to that privilege is fucking gross and at best shows a complete misunderstanding of the gaslighting we face as marginalised people. At worst, it is actively participating in said gaslighting.