Arch wiki with arch man docs.
Its no secret that I am a socialist, I hope that with my posts and replies that others may follow. If you like what I have to say I would recommend checking Cowbee’s comprehensive list credit to comrade for they’re work
Arch wiki with arch man docs.
Corner the market. Then close in.
Don’t buy into subscription services.
The reason for my disinterest wasn’t her being comfortable with sex, that was just the reason I responded in the affirmative when asked out. She’s too young, she’s in my political party, also I am in therapy figuring myself out and wouldn’t be right to pull someone else through this.
For me I grew up in a hyper sexualized house hold and Catholic too but I now have unhealthy ideas around sex, mostly embarrassment. So when its brought up by someone I have little connection to I go into an almost shut down mode. With sexual partners I have had little to no issue but it does make dating very difficult. I am with her tomorrow and will make it clear that I’m not interested in pursuing a relationship.
Thank you comrade.
This is probably the best approach. I’m a bit of a people pleaser which doesn’t help in these situations, I was lowkey hopping a commenter might suggest avoidance 😂
The flaw in capitalism and the flaw that makes it unmanageable is how over time capitalism will find ways to extract more for less.
This will always fall to the workers. The recent recession had tax payers bail out the banks as well as pay bonuses. all because banks got very greedy.
Literally had this same chat with an old redpilled friend.