My current digital kitchen scales (Brabantia) go through batteries faster than I would like. I use rechargeable batteries, but still.

I was looking for long-lasting mechanical kitchen scales or at least one of those kinetic energy scales (turn the knob to power it) to use in the kitchen. Any model that can measure in the ~1g to 5kg range with a tare function is more than enough.

Does anyone have any recommendations or experience with these types of scales (knob or mechanical)? E.g., does the knob thing break easily?

    1 month ago

    I have also never heard of this before, but these look really interesting! The battery usage is fine in its own right, but my scale always seems to run out of power at the worst moment. I usually cook without measuring, so when I take it out it’s because its services are needed, and I guess the battery tends to slowly drain in the cupboard.

    I’ll keep this in mind for if/when my scale breaks - or if I need a Christmas gift idea some year! :)