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This page has direct links to the big 3
I considered mentioning the angled slide-down option, cuz that does work for a lot of applications, but I feel that having it slide off the panel face in a heavy sheet would be bad for it over time, cause scratches and stuff that scatter light and reduce efficiency. Maybe reduce it more than it would be reduced by heating it while it’s snowing heavily, or at least cause it to need replacement or servicing more often.
The snow problem isn’t really that much of a problem if you build for that in mind.
All the panels need is a small heat strip running through some part of it, maybe even behind the panel, added as aftermarket options, to melt it as it falls, and some sort of sensor to only kick heat on when it’s needed. They have things like that for led traffic lights already, so it would really just be repurposing something that already exists.
Sure that uses some electricity, reducing the overall efficiency, but 90+% of the year it’s not actively snowing hard enough to need to kick the heat on, so that’s a minimal loss.
On the subject of existing asset use… I played yonder: the cloud catcher chronicles, and I am fairly certain the sound for rain in that game is actually the sound of something gently sizzling in a pan.
It’s super close, but -just- wrong enough for me to notice. And then be mildly bothered by it for the next 40 hours of playtime.
I had to get two cats spayed last year… My previous vet, who I hadn’t seen since early Covid days, wanted 2 appointments ($120/visit) before they would schedule the surgery ($800), so basically it would have cost me $1,100 per cat to get them both fixed. So $2,200. lol what???
Got in with my friends vet out in the country, about 45 min drive away… $150 each, which included the first appointment. So $300.
Sooooooo back in 2008 when I lived in Houston, we got a solid inch of snow… and the year before that when I was in California, it froze so bad the pipes burst…
I used to joke I brought the Midwest with me but it turns out it was just climate change :(
Have to agree all around.
Intensely frustrating.
I spent 172 hours retrying the final boss fight on ff8. I mistakenly saved just before the end boss with 2 phoenix downs, a handful or potions and ethers, and not much else. It took weeks to beat her alone.
I learned many things in those multiple weeks of doing basically the same thing over and over again, with minor tweaks to strategy… the first of which is always maintain a second save at least 3 hours prior to the current save. The second thing was never have an empty inventory even if you legit never bother using any of it. Don’t sell anything until you hit max stax.
And finally I learned that sometimes trying the same exact thing for the 20th time actually does work for reasons. And that was on like ps1 framework. A lot more stuff is a lot more random now.
My plan is to get the fuck out of society and only interact as needed until the plurality wake the fuck up and do something.
I gave all my effort trying to prevent this… I canvassed, I worked with local orgs, I was boots on the ground talking to people against my own mental health and now I’m just going to retire from society as best I can and hope for an awakening…
I just can’t anymore. I’m curious what my retired fed worker will say… she’s always been an “I got mine” sort… she’s my step-dads girlfriend… I bet she still won’t see a problem with it, because well fuck it she’s retired on a nice pension and doesn’t have dependents or anything. But she’s made clear she doesn’t have anyone to take care of her and… I told her I’d do it.
But she needs to put me in her will (I didn’t inherit a dime from my mother when she does in my early 20s because of my step dad, and I won’t inherit from him because I’m not his next of kin and his gf shares all accounts, so if she doesn’t cough up my inheritance when her ass croaks, ima be super pissed…). I won’t take care of what might as well be a conservative without direct benefits. And she has a decent estate, no heirs.
It’s going to be a weird and unstable next few years.
I wish I could get my pills in bulk but I can’t. I get three new bottles every 90 days like clockwork. Sometimes I even get more! Yay!
I don’t have enough spices for them. Especially since I keep my spices in sealed glass. But if I didn’t that would be a great use!
The light idea is interesting, but you have to really like orange light, and I don’t ;)
Thanks, that’s a good use :)
I actually already have dozens for that sort of thing (as well as beads and other craft supplies, and screws and other construction-type supplies). I’ve been broken for a hot minute (have taken meds most of my life), so I have so many pill bottles. So many.
But maybe I should go ahead and keep them for my farm. I might need real organization. Fuck. Can I hire someone for that…? Fuck.
If it helps (it probably won’t)… I feel the same about Ritalin. I was on it ages 5-13, took myself off because it didn’t feel right or good (also I was on way way way too high a dose and I’m an angry tiny adult now as a result yay…) and then when I was mid 30s got rediagnosed and Rx the same fscking drug but called methylphenidate… and shockingly I don’t bother taking it because it still doesn’t help, it just makes me even more skilled at procrastination, but they won’t try anything else and I don’t have the energy to give a shit because I’ve been unmedicated this long… fuck it.
You might want to try other drugs, they might help you, if you can get them to try something else.
Or if you’ve been unmedicated long enough to learn how to function and the drugs only help with energy to follow through, but do absolutely nothing to motivate you in the first place (as is the case for me), you can choose to take them selectively on days you want to accomplish something but don’t really care what it is.
I thought they don’t really recycle a lot of paper goods from residential waste streams due to contamination (grease and the like)…? That’s why direct-ship companies are worse for the environment than big box retailers (also the fact that they get them in big boxes rather than a tiny box just for you)
Personally I just save all my paper products (except highly inked or laminated) and grow mushrooms on them. Free food rather than landfill, the ultimate recycle.
Oysters love cardboard and paper, or basically any wood product. Most other fungus does not take to it as readily, so it’s a really easy culture to keep going :)
Got any advice on reusing all the pill bottles I have from being broken?
I’ve looked into places that reuse them for pills but there’s like one ministry that takes them and I’d need to ship…
Totally nice bottles without labels and you can’t just take them back to the pharmacy or something…??? The fuck.
I refuse to put them into recycling, they won’t be… so I’m just sitting here with 100 or so bottles just… taking up space…
Air fryers are nothing but small convection ovens with fancy pre-sets. I’m a bit mystified that people think you can’t use them for anything other than greasy breaded foods.
My air fryer has a thermometer probe attachment and came with roast pans because it’s made to do everything, including whole chickens, roasts, or steak. (It’s roughly the size of a microwave)
Sorry but why a polymer?
We have lots of natural hard fibers in the form of ground up pips and pits from fruits.
We don’t need to fix plastic, we need to replace plastic.
Baby oil already removes eyeliner, without being problematic for most users, and many things remove permanent marker, so what does this add?
I think maybe a better option would be to simply ban new development of disaster-prone land. Looking to build a new house or subdivision? Look elsewhere. And maybe disincentivize rebuilding on the same lot your house used to be on, eg. insurance only pays half if you plan to stay.
But what happens when all those tens of millions of people who can’t get housing in their current state flood into low COL places where we still have good water and forest resources, where drought and major storms are significantly less of a concern, but where people from high cost areas can very easily buy all the cheap houses and land, preventing locals from ever being able to buy ever? I mean even the housing inflation since 2020 alone has priced most people out of ownership in my state, cuz our wages are super low.
Do we start cutting everything down throughout the Midwest to build up the same giant cities the coastal areas have? Do we start pulling all the ground and surface water up to accommodate the populations of California, Florida, Texas, Georgia, etc. that experience fire, flood, earthquake, tornado, or hurricane on a regular basis? Cuz that’s going to lead to drought and fire, too, and then nowhere will be safe/safer.
I don’t think getting people to leave those areas, mass-migration style, is a particularly good option, honestly… it’s just going to cause the problems to move with the huge populations. The only good option long-term is fixing the mess the rich have created. Or rather, forcing them to do it.
This is a really good information dense video, thanks for sharing!
Urban and suburban agriculture is definitely something we should focus on for long term habitability of our spaces. We probably should have been doing it the whole time but the second best time to start is now.
They probably know.
However, college students (at least in the US) usually don’t know how to handle being intoxicated. This being the first time they are allowed and all.
That’s why the dorm popcorn alarm (aka fire alarm) goes off in the middle of the night, not early evening when people would be watching movies and such.