Curious if this would have any noticeable energy savings. Basically thinking of taking old semi-disposable plastic containers (the ones that like deli meat, butter, etc come in), freezing them outdoors, and letting them defrost (absorb heat) in the fridge/freezer. Basically back to the “ice box” model.
Anybody doing that and/or have any results to share? Mostly curious if it would be worth the effort.
I always have jugs of ice in the freezer, if I use one during the cold of the winter I will refreeze it outside before putting it back into the fridge.
I also store food outside in the snow. I usually keep a large ice chest outside in the winter and use that for overflow food.
What do you use jugs of ice for?
I freeze gallons of water to put in a cooler on camping trips, but idk what I would do with them in the winter.
Fridges are some of the most efficient appliances in the home but I always think it’s funny that in the winter we keep the house warm and the fridge cold, when we could just harness the cold from outside.
Lol, yeah. Though the exhaust heat from the refrigerator does warm the house (good in winter, not good in the summer).
Definitely have had the thought about a thermostat controlled vent that would utilize outdoor air when the temperature permits. Might be one of those ideas that’s nice but impractical.
I think the next level of after heat pumps is complete heat management. Waste heat from kitchen exhaust? Heat pump. Hot water down the drain? Heat pump.
You keep your house warm? I love winter because I can keep it cold.
I assume you can guess that my winter is likely colder than yours then.
That’s brilliant. I googled the energy costs. It’s $30 a year to run a fridge. So it doesn’t save much money because you can only do it in winter but it’s still a great idea.