It can’t melt through such a large mass of steel in the short time it has before it hits. The lasers are meant for missiles which have very thin metal walls. Also, the AP rounds aren’t explosive. They’re a solid mass of steel.
It can’t melt through such a large mass of steel in the short time it has before it hits. The lasers are meant for missiles which have very thin metal walls. Also, the AP rounds aren’t explosive. They’re a solid mass of steel.
The important part is to not stop until it actually can have an effect. Cut off the oil in 18 months so inflation skyrockets before mid terms.
If anything is resolved now, it will only encourage shenanigans again after US midterm elections.
All of the Trinidad’s iron cannon balls would bounce off the 12" steel armor of the Iowa battleship.
I never understood why everyone said or orgo was so hard. It was only a lot of memorizing like history.
My hard classes were ones where we were allowed to bring the textbook and any notes we wanted.
Who would win?
New Navy with line of sight laser weapon (3 mile range to horizon), or this smokey boy throwing 2,000 lbs of steel over the horizon.
If Trump’s problem is with fentanyl, why didn’t he tariff fentanyl?
What about when the mod is the bully?
I’ll amend my statement. If markets were actually efficient then Warren Buffet couldn’t have become a billionaire because everything would have already been “priced in”.
“Priced in” is the proven false idea that markets are rational. Warren Buffet couldn’t have become a billionaire if “priced in” was true. Because otherwise there would never be undervalued companies to purchase.
He expected it to decimate cities which are Democrats. But it ended up killing rural Republicans because they wouldn’t wear masks or stay home.
Re: Shining
Mom dropped me off at the movies to see Star wars (again). As I walk in the screen showed elevators doors open and a waterfall of blood pour out. I found an usher because I thought I was in the wrong room.
Trailers, man.
Oh no, Columbia won’t be able to sell oil and coffee to the US. Too bad there is no one else in the world who wants oil.
I’d like to see some global unity against these shenanigans. Everyone is acting like they just need to get through the next 4 years and everything will go back to normal.
I don’t know the history of column span but the reason Firefox was “behind” on standards was because Google was pushing new standards through committee faster than competing browsers could keep up. Google would implement a new feature, offer it as a free standard, then get it through the committee. Because Google already had it in their browser, they were already compliant while Firefox had to scramble.
It was Google doing their variation of “embrace, extend, extinguish”
It got so bad that not even Microsoft had the resources to keep up. They said as much when they said they were adopting Chromium as their engine.
I love the series but I assume there’s some mistranslation of culture in the idioms of some of the characters. (I watch dubs) Like Senku’s constant “I don’t care a billionth” and “you get 1 billion points.” and Gen’s constant pig latin. Those idioms are cute when used sparingly but it seems like it’s every other sentence.
Here’s a fun one my wife got:
She picked an in network doctor for her treatment so insurance would cover it. She got a large bill anyway because the office that the doctor worked in was out of network.
It’s literally impossible to get insurance coverage. You can pick the doctor or building (I’ve read anesthesiologists can be separate too.) But you are going to pay a bill that insurance won’t cover.
Trump doesn’t remember what he did in 2019. He signed a law requiring the POW flag be flown at all USPS offices.
They had to fight for toilet paper under Trump and re elected him.
It’s kind of weird that Sauron, the superhuman evil just 2 steps below the creator of the entire universe, is using troops armed with bows and spears.
Why didn’t he give orcs machine guns?
I’m unfamiliar with the brand but I assume the part you are showing is solid metal?
If so, the tag isn’t going to be able to broadcast very far. You better hope the person that steals it has their tag tracking settings enabled on their phone.
What is a minority member of Congress supposed to do? He has no power other than to vote on bills.
Why haven’t you done something?