Sounds like my man needs to get off LinkedIn. Who tf “loves to talk and post about the hustle” in real life ?
Imagine being so full of yourself you call yourself a “business angel”
Is he biblically accurate though?
If full of shit is biblical, yes.
It’s in keeping with biblical traditions for sure.
That’s not an office. That’s a hotel lobby. I do not envy anyone who needs to work in this co-working space. It’s like someone took the idea of a loud distracting open concept office, and replaced all the functional furniture and equipment with cushions and wall art.
You stay there and work, mr hustler, I have a life to live and enjoy
He probably only arrived at 12:00 and is complaining about everyone that has a live besides work (children, hobbies, volunteer jobs etc) and arrive early.
Considering there’s laws in Germany that prevents you from working more than 8 hours a day, hes either in violation of those laws or full of shit.
It’s a tradeoff that hurts? Then go home you silly cunt
Desperately trying to justify wasting his life for nothing.
Having worked in various countries of Europe with various different work cultures, I can guarantee you that at least in Software Development the productivity of working more than 8h a day regularly (you can get away with doing it for a week or two, but no further) is so much less than in with 8h/day or less, that you’re literally producing less results with your work in a whole long-hours day of work than you do in an 8h day.
In simple terms, tired people do negative work and people working long hours regularly end up chronically tired.
Maybe it works differently for people doing stuff that’s all about salesmanship (like Business Angel) for whom more hours means more “meets”, but in my personal experience it definitelly works as I described for people actually doing heavy thinking work that has to actually work rather than merelly doing talkie-talkie with hard to compare results and where efficiency is near impossible to measure.
I work in IT support, which is basically the next pond over from development. Because the job is so mentally intensive, if I’m working on complex tasks for more than 4-5 hours, my brain is catatonic by the time I hit the end of my shift.
Mental effort, is still effort. Most of the time you can’t see that someone is mentally tired, but it is just as debilitating as being physically exhausted.
I can not do my job while mentally exhausted. One screw up from me, and I have the ability to, entirely by accident, take out an entire organizations ability to do useful work.
Some of my clients, I’ve seen log into the system at 8AM or earlier, and still be online after midnight. I don’t understand how they’re getting anything useful done by that time.
I don’t like his face.
$100 says he left immediately after taking these photos. Dr.Hustler PhD here is using precious company time to write a chapter’s worth of bullshit. Get back on that horse, it’s time to work.
Edit: I finally get it! This must have been what Rage Against the Machine meant when they said, “Can’t waste the day when the night brings a Hurst.” Still not sure how, “Rollin’ down Rodeo with a shotgun,” fits in this pro corpo anthem but maybe I’m just not a hard enough worker to get it. Bad tradeoff indeed.
the only people who want to put in longer hours at the office have absolutely nothing to go home to.
they should be pitied instead of being vilified. drop them a “get well soon” message in social media should you encounter them.
My office is a ghost town by the time I leave at 5. That’s how I know I’ve found a good place to work. (Also don’t have to be in the office every day)
I only stay that “late” because I get there later than almost everybody else.