Because then you get to cut very thin slices because it’s kind of fun to do and they sort of melt on your tongue, and surely that way you won’t eat as much as if you were eating “normal-sized” slices, right ?
Cut to me staring at a plate filled with hundreds of tiny pieces of cheese crust, who obviously ate the entire fucking block of cheese in one sitting
There are no bold, old mushroom foragers
Sure there are, they just have to not eat what they picked up.
Source: friend’s mom once gave food poisoning to the whole family by serving them an omelet made with mushrooms she found, but didn’t eat it herself. Fortunately it was merely mushrooms of the “fucks up your stomach” variety.
The bad is starting to look more and more like an impending global societal collapse with every passing day though
Sounds like my man needs to get off LinkedIn. Who tf “loves to talk and post about the hustle” in real life ?