Gave it a listen on Tidal - sounds good! ✌️ Thanks for sharing!
Gave it a listen on Tidal - sounds good! ✌️ Thanks for sharing!
I’ve accepted a job offer. It’s a big paycut, and finances are going to be very very very tight for a year or two. I’m going to have to make lifestyle changes, but it is probably time to grow up and do that really.
I’m nervous about handing in my notice. The person I’ll have to hand in the notice to is a fucking nightmare. She screamed in the face of a previous quitter, and made everybody rearrange the office seating so that people quitting couldn’t sit near each other. She’s going to be a pain in the arse for months.
But, positive. Feel like I’m making actual choices that I care about for once!
Post the link!! That’s so exciting, well done!
It’s bullshit. It’s inauthentic. It can be useful for chewing through data, but even then the output can’t be trusted. The only people I’ve met who are absolutely thrilled by it are my bosses, who are two of the most frustrating, stupid, pig-headed, petty people I’ve ever met. I wish it would go away. I’m quitting my job next week, taking a big paycut and barely being able to pay the bills, specifically because those two people are unbearable. They also insist that I use AI as much as possible.
I sincerely hope the suits running these companies go thirsty.
Oh! I assumed it was something to do with the city of Ur, being some sort of analogy for the root of civilisation or something
I watched a few videos about AC Evo and I think your last comment about graphics might be the decider here. I personally think GT7 has much better graphics than a lot of the competition. I also have been playing GT7, mostly offline, since I got a PS5 a couple of years ago. I’ve tried AC and it felt dated, to me personally. I have downloaded ACC and haven’t played it yet but from what I’ve seen of Evo (and I know it’s an early access thing at the mo), the lighting is flat, the AI isn’t brilliant, and the driving apparently feels a bit weird in a few of the available cars.
Wait, people really thought web frameworks would replace Devs? Which frameworks? 😂
I think you’re being a little bit facetious; surely you can see that while yes, you technically answered the question, you didn’t phrase it in the form of an explanation. I’m not pearl-clutching and accusing you of condoning the murder, but that response was pretty obviously toeing the line at best.
Yeah you’re right, I should’ve quit so many times over the last two years but I needed the money and I am more than a little uncomfortable with the thought of her being an absolute arsehole for the duration of my notice period