I need to take out a loan for $50 in order to secure the deposit to my new place. I’m a homeless amputee who needs a place to recover after the prosthetic surgery and I also don’t want to be homeless anymore.
I’m not sure if what my landlord is doing is right or fair but she threatened to kick me out if I don’t get the money she wants soon. The thing is I don’t start work for another week and she wants it in a couple of days so I’m getting very nervous.
What has your experience been with payday loans? From the places I found they won’t loan out that little of an amount. Is there any other place I could go for quick cash? Sorry if this post seems incoherent but I’m getting very nervous thanks
A lot of good advice here. I’ll read through it all and try to access some supports. I don’t know if i want an antagonistic landlord during the time that I’m staying but thank you