I need to take out a loan for $50 in order to secure the deposit to my new place. I’m a homeless amputee who needs a place to recover after the prosthetic surgery and I also don’t want to be homeless anymore.
I’m not sure if what my landlord is doing is right or fair but she threatened to kick me out if I don’t get the money she wants soon. The thing is I don’t start work for another week and she wants it in a couple of days so I’m getting very nervous.
What has your experience been with payday loans? From the places I found they won’t loan out that little of an amount. Is there any other place I could go for quick cash? Sorry if this post seems incoherent but I’m getting very nervous thanks
I’d start by asking the person for money that also gives you the money to pay off your payday loan for the next couple of months. Like, you take the worst credit on earth to pay for shelter you rely on, even though you haven’t even worked the job for a single day, and you didn’t even leave yourself 50 bucks breathing room?
Sorry, but the 50 isn’t your problem. And “How to get money?” also seems like a weird question in general. It’s not like everyone is keeping it a secret.
Sounds like a teenager made this up, hoping to get some easy money from people trying to help
This is on top of the first and last that I already paid to her I don’t know why she wants this extra 50 so badly
Probably she just doesn’t want to rent it to you so it might just be a pretext, happened to me once.
You think maybe she has relatives she wants to put in or something? Why not just tell me that though…
Maybe she just doesn’t like you (not enough to not take money for you, enough to make up some dumb demands), sometimes it happens.
I can’t spare $50, but if you’d like to set up some sort of donate page I’d be able to chip in $10. It would only take a couple of us to get you the money you need.
Any amount is appreciated. You can dm me for my e transfer but if this isn’t allowed I’ll delete and repost
Any available methods for allowing us Europeans to chip in?
I can dm you my paypal if you dont mind. Where you from?
Norway. And please do.
That’s so nice, wonder what your interest is in Canada
Not a whole lot, honesty. I used to work with a couple of newfies, and I’ve binged all of Letterkenny and Trailerpark Boys, if that counts.
Didn’t think those shows had an international audience. Some of the jokes are pretty localized. I sent a dm btw, thanks for offering.
There is a lot of good advice in your post from yesterday. As I said there, before you go borrowing $50, please get some free legal advice on your situation: https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/housing-shelter/rental-housing-tenant-information/find-legal-help/
The important thing is this: has a rental agreement been signed? If yes, you are protected against BS fees and extortion. Ideally, the lease agreement is in this standard form, and then you can see in section 10 if this is a refundable key deposit or Section 6 for details on utility fees if something is required upfront.
If you have NOT signed but you are moved in based on a verbal agreement or agreement in principle, then this is what you do: take screen captures of the listing if it is still up, save as much info on this as you can, and get advice ASAP from tenant unions and free legal resources other commentors have mentioned. And do not forget that you cannot be discriminated against for your need of a prosthetic limb.
If you figure out it’s a legit ask such as for the reasons I described above, and not just because they can abuse you, I can donate some to you. I know it’s stressful but I’m not willing to donate to the landlord to simply appease them. Also check out my reply from your post yesterday.
A lot of good advice here. I’ll read through it all and try to access some supports. I don’t know if i want an antagonistic landlord during the time that I’m staying but thank you