I’ve added a “Warning: contains Musk” to the title, which should hopefully do the job. Maybe not much use retrospectively, but I’ll try and remember in future!
Thanks for letting us know how the filtering works :)
Thank you! It’s up to us to make Lemmy and the Frediverse a better place than corporate social media and doing things like writing image descriptions for the visually impaired or taging nazis for filtering is a good start.
I’d be quite happy to. How do you tag something?
Just put Musk or Trump in the title is enough to block it on voyager.
Much appreciated!
I’ve added a “Warning: contains Musk” to the title, which should hopefully do the job. Maybe not much use retrospectively, but I’ll try and remember in future!
Thanks for letting us know how the filtering works :)
Thank you! It’s up to us to make Lemmy and the Frediverse a better place than corporate social media and doing things like writing image descriptions for the visually impaired or taging nazis for filtering is a good start.