First drops of rain! Great big ones! I was wrong in my estimate of when it would start.
EDIT: now it’s stopped
about five small drops here
Got a decent downpour right now.
I could smell the rain but I don’t think anything has fallen where I am.
Istg if this thunderstorm doesn’t happen above me, I’m denouncing Thor and his kin. GIVE ME THUNDER AND LIGHTNING WITH NO DELAY GAH
Time to denounce Thor and his kin?
The BOM radar rainband is in the exact same spot it was when I looked an hour ago. I would like it to quit stagnating and hurry up.
I could put some laundry on?
that rain band looks like a soft drizzle that wets the ground and steams you instead of bakes you
I have outdoor plans at 7, so I’m predicting heavy rain and storms for about 7:02 if that helps
If I’m reading the radar on right, that sounds about right for timing.
Thunderstorm for the people!
Existential dread pretty.
Listening to Died Pretty.
I played Doughboy Hollow until it broke. Awesome band live too. RIP Ron Peno.
Gone as quickly as it arrives. Shakes fists at sky
Pretty pissweak effort after all this heat 🫠
Thor can go f himself! Bah humbug!
One forceful anal hammering forthwith!
This mornings meeting with the old manager and new manager was glorious lol
They absolutely detest each other and watching them try to snipe each other politely is comedy gold lol
with all due respect
We are well past that now lol
There’s no niceties involved at this stage.
As per my last email…
“Pull your head out of your butt… or else”
holding your professional competence in the highest regard
This place is an absolute shambles. Decorum between respwctive leadership teams was thrown out the window and few weeks ago.
Kinda Pregnant was a good movie. Lots of funny moments. 4/5 hobbits
Someone got let go from work yesterday just for doing a half ass job and continually costing money to fix, only for it surface that he’d been let go from a previous job due to something pretty heinous (not, like, THAT, but still bad!!) that it’s probably for the best that it didn’t come to light until because now there’s quite the ick. The two situations had zero correlation, someone else just googled their name because something didn’t add up and wow.
You never know people.
oh come on dont leave us hanging!
They filmed their partner’s friend in the shower, without consent (obvs). Friend raised hell, with reason, but charges were dropped.
what the actual f?! who does that?!
Someone who was also in a position of power within a community as well. Absolute cunt move.
Oh yeah its totally about subjugation hey. Its about power. If you just wanna see naked people you go on the internet.
Two jobs to apply for tomorrow, both in an industry I’m very, very interested in! Both part-time and really close to home!
I also have a list of places I’ll email directly to see if they could take me on, either part time or volunteer.
My resume is fine, and my cover letter is super easy to edit to the specific roles.
Fingers crossed that someone wants me!
All the luck! 🤞🏼
Go you, Spud <3
Good luck :)
Good luck spud 🙂
I have opened up every window and door in my apartment. Let it rain
Let out early eyooo
By the time I seen this comment the downvote was gone. I added it back for you so Ur comment makes sense. You’re welcome 🤗
Sweet as! Thank you! 🙌🏼💜🙌🏼
I watched Judgement in Nuremberg for the tenth time last night.
Every single scene is genius.
Last night I took particular note of the opening argument of the prosecution , what a brilliant mind and writer . Makes the crime and guilt clear
life in Germany, how people fooled themselves into support of evil
I am tired. 😔
Trimmed claws mean open windows! Yay!!!
Toshiba is going to make an offer. Not too excited because of the police check, but still. It’s a good sign that I’m interviewing ok!
Oh gosh. I see the benefits of Linux, but it also attracts the most pretentious, huffing-their-own-farts types. Sounds suss af regarding the team overhaul too bleh
This guy was like when you give a bullied teenager a lot of power lol
Why is everything I touch today so FUCKED
At work, the battery for a pinpad on a safe with lots of money in it died, so I couldn’t close the door.
I got sent a pair of left handed scissors when it should have been right handed.
So annoying!
That’s bizarre. The other way around is common, because there are so many more right handed pairs in the world…but surely they know exactly how many lefties they’re supplying?
It’s unthinkable that someone might have an EXTRA set of lefty scissors. Normally there aren’t enough!