If I go pitch a tent in Vatican City and take up permanent residence there, presumably he will order the Swiss Guard not to deport me. Good to know.
Maybe he could actually do something about it. Like excommunicating those very religious members of the supreme Court that will support it… Pipe dream. I know.
The Supreme Court is staffed by Evangelicals, which make up the majority of christians in the US of A
Evangelicals and Catholics consider each other heretics and have done so since the reformation.
Edit: The reformation started after the time period historians consider “the middle ages”. Oopsie.
I think barnaclebutt is referring to Amy Coney Barrett, who is openly Catholic. Not sure about the other members of scouts.
The Pope is right like a stopped watch, and you know what else is incompatible with Christianity and conscience? The Catholic Church.
Religion itself is incompatible with conscience
The Pope doesnt represent REAL CATHOLICS! DONALD TRUMP DOES! Him and ALL his Marriages and Wealth!
When the pope told Henry VIII that what Henry wanted to do was a no-no, Henry separated, created Church of England, and made himself its head. What do we think Trump will call the new Christian denomination in America and what will be the title of its head?
The American civil religion is already basically that
Most of the US doesn’t care what the pope has to say.
True, but there are some areas in the deep South where Calothicism is a big cultural influence. However, there is also quite a bit of friction between Calothicism and some more evangelical groups in those same areas.
I think this could at least cause some meaningful friction to public opinion in some very Pro-Trumo areas. Who knows how things will land while people resolve their confrontation with the cognitive dissonance, but friction is good.
Catholicism in the deep south is nowhere near as possible like Baptist or Methodist. Most of the deep south doesn’t even consider Catholicism to be catholic. The KKK targeted catholics under this belief.
What do we think Trump will call the new Christian denomination in America and what will be the title of its head?
It’s going to involve the name Trump. Donny will be the head of it.
He’s already the second coming of Jesus to a sizeable part of the US evangelical demographic.
It already exists and it’s called Evangelicals
The Vatican has gone woke…
Yeah, let’s ignore that Trump is an adulterer and rapist, Pope.
but you see, american “christianity” is different. maga nuts and the far right would say ‘better’ or the only ‘true’ kind.
and “conscience”, well that’s “con”+“science”, they don’t believe in science, so toss that out. leaving only “con” which is exactly what their game is.
mtsw on Bluesky:
Since JD Vance just converted to Catholicism 5 minutes ago, he might not know this: the Pope authoring a letter where he goes out of his way to correct you, specifically, is considered “bad” in the Catholic tradition
Not to mention common sense, practicality, cost and long-term consequences.
One has to have a conscience to be bothered by it…
It’s really scary when one has bible thumping relatives calling out the Pope as immoral and extremist, and embracing Donald Trump.
“Not my pope”. I’m, yeah, actually, he is.
Trump isn’t Catholic.
He’s also not a Christian.
JD Vance is, but he’s basically a bit player in the whole Magaverse. He’s there to break ties and run interference on the stupidest of mainstream media, not to actually have any role in policy.
There’s a lot of Christians who disobey the pope because he’s running counter to co-prez Trump.
Christianity /= following the pope.
The Pope is exclusively catholic.
Does the Pope shit in the woods?
there’s a whole parish here in my small town that’s all in on the maga juice. bot farms, vpn accounts, fake social media accounts, the whole bit. employees too, not just parishioners. spreading the hate and promoting the maga cult and candidates. just like ‘god’ intended.
They should lose their tax exempt status.
To be fair, they all should.
Trump would deport Jesus if he could.
Given the rate of executions during Trump’s last tenure, I think it’s feasible he would’ve crucified Jesus for the crime of existing while brown, if given the chance
Why are we placing blame on Trump when the current situation can be traced back to policies under Biden, such as open borders and the lack of a clear pathway to citizenship for immigrants? It seems we have forgotten the broader context of this issue.
What the hell does “open borders” mean? Do you think Biden didn’t deport people?
Thing is, though, anti catholicism runs deep among the evangelical crowd. This is, as far as the mega (maga) church crowd is concerned, a ringing fucking endorsement of Trump.
I live in a highly religious part of the country. 79% of the state is some form of christian.
I have had several conversations with people here who do not comprehend that catholics are christian. In fact I even had an argument about it here on Lemmy a while back. I wonder if someone will pop out again to try to tell me that catholics aren’t christians.
That’s such lunacy. Just because your denomination is different doesn’t mean it has a monopoly on the religion. Catholics have that same vibe to me, just not as weird about it.
You may already know this, but is commonly taught by evangelical fundy Protestants that Catholicism isn’t Christianity. It is considered a polytheistic cult due to the praying to and veneration of saints. By these group’s definition: Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not Christians.
Me? I think they all suck, but, I was raised by the fundies.
to be fair: the majority of each one of those branches also don’t consider any of the others to be christian as well.