Thanks to the newly acquired logging capacity of sotd.el (the oldest SOTD plugin for any reasonableTM editor I am aware of), I’ve been logging every shave this year, and I thought: why not inflict the data on you?

I shaved 231 times in 2024 (roughly every 1.5 days). The move from reddit to lemmy coincides with a switch to straights – straight razors dominated my routine in 2024 (64.5%), though I still used my DE razors (22.5%) [though mostly when not at home], and occasionally I used GEM (9.5%) or AC (3.5%). If this continues, I will never again have to buy new blades. My brush collection splits between horse (45%), boar (32%), and synthetic (22.9%).

Let’s go into the details, shall we?


Razor Frequency
Thiers-Issard 188 7/8 ‘Coq et Renard’ - Straight 40
Parker Straight Razor - Straight 29
River Razors Kamisori - Straight 22
Koraat 14.2 Straight Razor - Straight 21
Ertan Süer L’Ours Russe (7/8th) - Straight 20
King C. Gillette DE Razor - DE 14
Edwin Jagger DE89 - DE 12
Greencult GC 2.0 II - DE 12
Dovo Barbarossa Stainless - Straight 11
Mühle R41 (3-piece) - DE 9
Star 1912 Type Razor - GEM 9
Feather Artist Club SS Kamisori - AC 5
J.A. Henckels Friodur 72 - Straight 4
GEM Flying Wing - GEM 4
Tedalus Essence - AC 3
Karve CB Brass C Plate CC - DE 3
Soviet Straight Razor Raketa - Straight 2
Merkur 34C - DE 2

My top five razors are straights, and it appears that I have somewhere a Friodur that I’ve forgotten to use.


Brush Frequency
Semogue C3 Galahad Horse 🐎 70
Muninn Woodworks Gloire de France with Zenith 505BC Boar 🐗 36
Zenith 506U XS Horse 🐎 34
Semogue Owner’s Club Boar 🐗 ‘Taj’ 30
Chisel & Hound Blaireau de la République with 24mm G5 Synthetic 23
Yaqi 24mm Synthetic Panda 14
Semogue 610 Boar 🐗 8
Yaqi Aqua 24mm Synthetic 6
Yaqi 28mm Synthetic Rock 6
Benny’s 21mm Synthetic 4

2024 was once again dominated by the Semogue C3 horse brush. Greatly recommended!


Soap Frequency
Southern Witchcraft Autumn Ash 33
Abbate y la Mantia Ishtar 18
Haslinger Schafmilch 🐑 18
Le Père Lucien Narcisse 16
Stirling Electric Sheep 🐑 14
Abbate y La Mantia Marduk 13
Haslinger Algae 13
The Goodfellas Smile Amber Fougère 12
Wholly Kaw Entropy Man 11
HAGS Megalodon 11
Zingari Man Mousse Illuminée 9
Zingari Man Bon Monsieur 9
MacDuffs Old Strathcona 8
Zingari Man The Watchman 8
Stirling Arcadia 8
Barrister & Mann Le Grand Chypre 5
Cella Aloe Vera 5
Chiseled Face Midnight Stag 5
Barrister & Mann Death 4
Barrister & Mann Plague 4
Barbury’s Shaving Soap 1
Meissner Tremonia Mint Ice Menthol 1
Spearhead Spiced 1
Stirling Oro Valley 1
Abbate y La Mantia Don José 1
Barrister & Mann Famine 1
House of Mammoth You and I (Will Die) 1


I had Claude explain the chi-squared test to me and apply it to my data. It turns out that the Blaireau de la République has become dedicated to Zingari Man soaps (a value of 100.40 with one degree of freedom, highly significant, p>>0.001).

I killed three soaps (Autumn Ash, Schafmilch and Marduk), and bought three others – which is net neutral overall (yay!). I unfortunately was less disciplined with razor purchases.

The BVWSC shaves allowed me to get to know several artisans that were unknown to me, and some impressed me highly. I did not yet jump the gun, though, and my thoughts for purchases are rather geared towards what I could possibly propose as not-so-well-known soaps for the club.

In 2025, one aim is to improve my honing skills – which yield as of yet rather unpredictable outcomes.

Thank you for attending my TED Talk!