Welcome to this week’s casual kōrero thread!
This post will be pinned in this community so you can always find it, and will stay for about a week until replaced by the next one.
It’s for talking about anything that might not justify a full post. For example:
- Something interesting that happened to you
- Something humourous that happened to you
- Something frustrating that happened to you
- A quick question
- A request for recommendations
- Pictures of your pet
- A picture of a cloud that kind of looks like an elephant
- Anything else, there are no rules (except the rule)
So how’s it going?
Ha! Take that, people who say jam and cheese, honey and cheese, banana and cheese, etc are weird. Parmesan ice cream is more proof cheese goes with anything!
I love that ice cream invention and how similar it is to what I use today. It’s basically the same design except for some innovation in the freezing bowl and adding a motor!
Yeah when looking for the article (I only knew the flavours part) I was quite surprised by how similar it sounds!
Let me know how your banana and cheese icecream turns out.
I was thinking of sandwiches but I’d be willing to try this… I’ll try to remember next time I make ice cream. “Banana and cheese ice cream” sounds weird by “Banana and parmesan ice cream” sounds fancy!
“Artisenal icecream (banana and havarti with saffron)” 😁