Welcome to the friendzone! You have to decide if having a friend is ok for you (spoiler alert, it might slowly consume you from the inside as you battle between wanting more and not wanting to go against what she wants), or if that’s not what you want just drop it. It’s painful at the beginning but better for yourself in the long term.
Yeah, romantic compatibility is a two way street. If they aren’t feeling it, you’re better off as friends. Trust me, you don’t want to be in a relationship where one person isn’t very attracted to the other. I’ve been on both sides of that coin, and it’s all shit.
Don’t pine for anyone. If you’re a match, you both make each other feel amazing being together.
It’s also ok to not be friends at all, if I’m looking for a romantic partner and it doesn’t work, find another, you don’t need to collect forced friends along the way
And as a bonus, you might later ask out someone she knows. If that other gal asks her about you, she’ll have a good report because you respected boundaries she put up.
Funny enough, the day before she rejected me, she told me a story of how she’s setting up her friend with a guy her friend thinks is cute. But the competition is fierce, I have an average face and below average height and my best qualities take time to get to know.
A woman worth dating will value a kind, respectful man over one with the best looks or height. I’d honestly see a woman valuing height highly as a red flag lol. Keep your stick on the ice, even if it doesn’t work out you can learn something from every relationship/attempt.
Having a girl who can attest to your better points and vouch for your having a nonviolent reaction to “no” can go farther than you might imagine with other women.
Welcome to the friendzone! You have to decide if having a friend is ok for you (spoiler alert, it might slowly consume you from the inside as you battle between wanting more and not wanting to go against what she wants), or if that’s not what you want just drop it. It’s painful at the beginning but better for yourself in the long term.
Yeah, romantic compatibility is a two way street. If they aren’t feeling it, you’re better off as friends. Trust me, you don’t want to be in a relationship where one person isn’t very attracted to the other. I’ve been on both sides of that coin, and it’s all shit.
Don’t pine for anyone. If you’re a match, you both make each other feel amazing being together.
It’s also ok to not be friends at all, if I’m looking for a romantic partner and it doesn’t work, find another, you don’t need to collect forced friends along the way
I guess I’ll take the friend, maybe she can introduce me to someone I’m more compatible with?
And as a bonus, you might later ask out someone she knows. If that other gal asks her about you, she’ll have a good report because you respected boundaries she put up.
Funny enough, the day before she rejected me, she told me a story of how she’s setting up her friend with a guy her friend thinks is cute. But the competition is fierce, I have an average face and below average height and my best qualities take time to get to know.
A woman worth dating will value a kind, respectful man over one with the best looks or height. I’d honestly see a woman valuing height highly as a red flag lol. Keep your stick on the ice, even if it doesn’t work out you can learn something from every relationship/attempt.
That works well. Really, really well.
I cannot tell if this is sarcastic.
Completely serious.
That probably didn’t help. I ended up dating several people who were very compatible based on connections made by prior interests who didn’t work out.
Having a girl who can attest to your better points and vouch for your having a nonviolent reaction to “no” can go farther than you might imagine with other women.