Today is a very sad day. Apparently, cake wallet has made the asenine decision to abandon their fdroid repository for this other app store called accrescent Which is a centralized store very focused on security but has a central point of failure and can pull apps at any time they wish for any reason or no reason at all or succumb to government take down requests.
Edit: A direct quote from a chat from tux on the cake wallet team.
“Maybe I didn’t make it clear enough the reason we abandoned it was because it stopped letting us update. It broke, and we haven’t been able to fix it and don’t care enough too”
Edit 2: Some more color was given on the issue in today’s Monerotopia episode and apparently it has something to do with a flutter update that could not be avoided but caused breaking issues. I will say that I hope they can re-establish the repository in the future.
Just use obtainium and begin to move away from app stores. Any git repository on any server (doesn’t have to be github, could be a gitlab, gitea or forgejo server) that does compiled APK releases for your hardware can be used as a source repo with obtainium, no need for all the overhead any of the app stores require.
If cake doesn’t want to be on fdroid… That’s concerning.
Time to find a replacement
Fdroid builds apps from source, and if the developers want to make reproducible builds the developers sign their own build artifacts and fdroid verifys the source matched the artifact.
The irony they announced this on x…
Not to mention how unprofessional it is to just shutdown a distribution mechanism without notice. That’s highschool drama
They were never on fdroid, werent they?