I think I can guess what Kent Terrace got changed to.
“Replacing signs because of behaviour like this is not a good use of taxpayers’ money.”
Maybe it’s because I’m a relic of a more casual era, and went to a uni that constantly had a Pus Formation kiosk, but I don’t get why they keep throwing entire signs away. Just patch the vandal’s work until you catch the vandal.
Jump to 0:14 to skip the initial slides.
It’s been a while since I saw that one, absolutely brilliant.
Thanks, I love that!!
I’m not entirely sure, perhaps it’s just cheaper to change the sign than spend too much time fixing it?
Maybe. I think it may be an example of the perfect is (fiscally) the enemy of the “she’ll be right”.
Patch it how?
Yeah I remember living on Cock St for a while. Quite a while actually. But that was a bit of tape. It’s not really clear from this article exactly how this vandalism is being done.
I think anyone living on or near a Canal Street/Drive/Road/Wharf/etc know the value of someone with a bit of tape or a coin and some time to kill.
Just change the name if the street to Pornwall St :)