Betwixed and between
Just change the name if the street to Pornwall St :)
To give some context
Hour for hour, there’s no better way to warm the planet than to fly in a plane.
Everyone has to eat, no one has to fly.
Yeah, i mean its not Gina’s fault sje has to fly around in a private jet , not Clives fault eithet
We already know who to “blame”, anyone not voting Green.
Australia’s Redflow recent my went bankrupt and had been doing Flow batteries for years (Zinc Bromide Flow batteries)
It’s indeed an odd name but holding it back from what ? Its not a popularoty contest . Why is “widespread adoption” seen as the metric for success? That onky needed for shitty commercial products, to me it’s great right now…
It’s the phone I want to replace my Samsung S22u but i unsure if it will work in Australia as lots of phones were recently bricked by our Telcos’s AND I’m unsure how to import one.
What to do?
Gen X here, we’re labeled the invisible generation for a reason.
That said I don’t really give enough fuks to be involved, the real fight is inequality, not age.
but has a large exposure to the Big Four banks, who are big investors in fossil fuels.
I think its impossible to “invest” thematically with an ETF and avoid it.
Do you invest in a mining ETF that has a company mining Lithium that emits prodigiously to prodice the Lithium and sources finance from banks and destroys the environment doing it ?
Fossil fuels and weapons are my highest priorities for exclusion, if that’s useful context.
Scope 1,2 and 3 emisisons ? Eg Brisbane Airport claim they are net zeo (from memory) but only if you ignore the massive carpark beside it and jets flying in and out.
As to weapons, do you avoid companies like Droneshied?
I get what you want to do and understand your struggle but ignoring first order effects is hard enough, once you add in 2nd and 3rd order then it’s impossible .
I now stay away from banks, mining, alcohol, insurance and gambling but that’s my personal choice and it still leaves me with lots of options. I invest nearly everything directly though and have since I purchased my first shares in 1989.
I’d say its impossible but do the best you can :)
Your probably better off going long companies you think do a better job then others. You don’t need 100 companies, find 6 and just add to those posistions when you can.
This would be illegal in Australia of course. You can’t carry a knife without reason eg a Chef has a reason.
Just keep it on the down low (knife not visible) if you, like I, do carry one.
I used to much the leaves of the Stevia biswh we had in our garden. Quite tasty :)