best argument for making pluto a planet yet
Shark attacks cause ice cream sales
Are you suggesting there’s a common cause for pluto and autism?
No, the opposite; it’s a classic example showing that correlation doesn’t necessitate causation. I was just playing with the phrasing to imply the humorous inverse that there is a casual link.
No, the opposite; it’s a classic example showing that correlation doesn’t necessitate causation.
Right, but ice cream sales and shark attacks have a shared cause, and it’s the weather. Humans both get in the ocean where they are shark-accessible more often and also buy more ice cream when it’s hot out.
Basically causation is X->Y. But there are other relationships between X and Y, and in the case of ice cream sales and shark attacks it’s W->X and W->Y (one doesn’t cause the other, but they are caused by the same thing). It’s also possible for two things to correlate without any connection whatsoever, because sometimes things just happen to move in the same directions at the same times for a while.
People have trouble dealing with that, and much magical thinking arises from X and Y happening together being believed to necessarily mean X and Y are connected in some fashion because humans are very good at building patterns even when they don’t exist.
That’s literally where the vaccines cause autism thing started from - kids start showing clear signs of autism at about the same age they get several vaccines. The guy who originally proposed it with a deeply flawed study was only specifically claiming it was the combined MMR and not all vaccines generically and produced his study in an attempt to sell a separate MMR series that could be spaced out (rather than being one shot with all three) which would allegedly prevent the effect, because he would directly profit from his vaccine series being used instead of the combined MMR.
I thought my joke was very clear, I understand what you were saying.
Ah hell, that’s how I first read it then I second guessed myself on the irony later!
The knowledge of Pluto causes autism, clearly it is an elder God cognitihazard.
And Pluto knows that it’s Hot Shit.
Thousands of people suddenly start staring into the night sky, exhaustively cataloging everything they see, and writing long journal entries arguing over whether a vague flickering dot is a planet or not.
And you think Pluto caused Autism?
Some guys got so obsessed with reforming and polishing glass, that they used that to see the vague flickering dots even better.
But also, have you seen the night sky without light and sound pollution? How can someone not just stare at that every night and memorize it?
Getting really far out into the woods and seeing the Milky Way in all its glory is a transformative experience, without a doubt.
Maybe we have it backwards. Maybe the light pollution is what causes the Autism and we just got lucky with Pluto before the sky was closed up.
Diagnosis unclear, I haven’t been diagnosed with Pluto, yet…
Post hoc ergo proper hoc.
Speak English to me, doc! I ain’t no scientist.
Pluto’s original name was mRNA !!!
when i was a kid and we weren’t paying attention, a saying was “is your mind lost in Pluto?”
Earth to Expatriadio
Are you suggesting that Pluto is inside of vaccines?!? Alert the media!!!
Pluto isn’t real wake up sheeple!!!
Smokers get cancer
Smokers carry pocket lighters
Therefore pocket lighters cause cancer
Finally we discover the cause of autism. We are coming for you Pluto, you wanna be planet.
We are coming for you Pluto
To throw it an appreciation party!!