That’s exactly why so many countries around the world roll their eyes when America bangs on so much about democracy.
It’s a marketing thing. Look around the world. Find any country with the word “Democratic” in the name, and odds are you’ll find a poor excuse for a democracy.
The actual democracies in the world don’t feel compelled to keep repeating the fact.
The reality is that America is only really a democracy in the loosest sense of the world. All you need to do is look at how often the wealthiest candidate wins to see that it’s true. Or how often the person with the most votes loses. Or how unregulated lobbying actually is. Or the insane amount of power the President actually has. The power doesn’t lie with the people - it lies with the super-rich.
Sorry if that came off as really negative! America has a lot of good stuff going for it, but its implementation of democracy is not one.
True, but it’s happened twice in the last six presidential elections. The fact that the system allows it at all is problematic, but it’s unfortunately becoming more common, not less.