Walmart near me has started using receipt checkers lately and they don’t even really do their job, it’s kind of a gimmick really. They just look at the receipt for a second Don’t even look at your cart, but they stop you every time. It’s just such a waste of my time when I’m in a hurry. I had one person even tell me that it was required by law. No it’s not! There’s no law in the USA that says they have to check your receipt.
What’s even worse than a real cop is a poser cop. I love meanmugging them.
I read that as recipe checker and got more and more confused reading that. Are they now having people checking your recipes in the shop to make sure you got all the ingredients?
Iirc they just check the date to make sure you arent using an old receipt so that might explain why they look at it so briefly, not that they really get paid enough to do anything more
Decades ago, my father would have some fun with the receipt checkers at Costco. After a shopping trip, we’d commonly have lunch at the cafe in Costco. When leaving the store, he’d hand the receipt checker the receipt for lunch rather than the receipt for the items bought. More than half the time, the checker would just swipe the receipt with a highlighter (their way of marking it “checked”) without noticing that it was the wrong receipt. So ya, it’s complete security theater. Anyone with a modicum of thought can figure ways around it, and it only accomplishes inconveniencing the people who aren’t trying to get away with anything.
I’d be surprised if that worked these days. They do much more than just a cursory check whenever we go. And they also now scan your membership when you enter, and your photo pops up on their tablets. I’d be curious what would happen if the photo didn’t match…
Yeah, I see them counting the times in my cart every time I leave. The receipts have total number of items listed at the bottom.
I once sat and chatted with one of these guys waiting for a bad downpour to stop. Being stopped sucks, I know, but here’s some insider information:
They are stopping you for appearances. They absolutely are skimming your receipt, they really don’t care about you personally. It’s all circus.
If they are looking, they are looking for the big loss items. That TV that gets rung up in the back, was it actually rung up? The water case under the cart coming from self checkout? Another big loser for the company. Coming with a tote or loaded cart from the wrong direction is a little obvious to everyone.
Every other stop is for show. To remind the tote runner they are watching. To make the TV thief skittish. It’s all about appearances and breaking down resolve. The door guys can’t stop you, but they can make you afraid that they are vigilant and someone who can is waiting(and the salarymen can, shopkeeper’s privilege apparently in the US). It does work, loaded carts abandoned near the doors apparently testify to the effectiveness.
Some door hosts get by with being passive, they are supposed to be pretty chill and friendly, and dial up the theatrics when someone is reported to be suspicious or when a “frequent flyer” walks in. But that just makes it seem discriminatory and unbalanced so apparently some managers want the theatrics 24/7 to avoid the complaints of unfair treatment.
someone who can is waiting(and the salarymen can, shopkeeper’s privilege apparently in the US)
Can you elaborate on this? I’ve never heard of it.
I understand that each state makes adjustments to this which may grant more or less powers, but here’s a Wikipedia on the overall concept:'s_privilege
So for example during the aforementioned security theater at the doors, someone who is legally a representative of the company ownership(generally the managers making salaries are bonded to this) is doing their best to catch someone in the act of stealing, putting something in a coat, loading a cart and bypassing the register, etc, and this gives them grounds for some mild detainment. This apparently covers them stopping you at the door or firmly requesting you join them in their office to clear things up(and wait for the real authorities), and means no one questions if they grab the cart which is company property and doesn’t let you leave with it.
Of course, it’s perfectly reasonable that if you know someone stole something, you can stop them. Under the prerequisite conditions section, it is stated that:
The shopkeeper has reasonable grounds to suspect the particular person detained is shoplifting.
Wouldn’t that mean that someone who has done nothing suspicious other than refusing the check would not be giving anyone reasonable grounds to stop them? Or does just refusing count as reasonable grounds and make the check effectively legally mandatory?
I think you have it right. Refusing the check is not alone sufficient grounds, and that is why if you (politely, no reason to be a jerk, they’re just cogs in a machine working for a pittance) refuse and walk away, they just turn to the next one.
It is, as many have concurred, for show. The idea that you may get asked, the anxiety that develops thinking you might get caught, deters all but the most hardened thieves. Same with exterior lights on a home; before cameras what good did a lightbulb do to stop a thief? Does a lightbulb injure or detain a thief? Call the cops for you? No. It upsets their resolve. The light may make them visible to a witness they aren’t aware of. And a witness might call the cops or hurt them. On to a darker house, then!
It’s not just about what’s legal for the store employees to do either. Were I a thief, I wouldn’t be worried the manager is going to ban me from the store, or the frail old lady they have at the door is a threat, I’d be more concerned what vigilante schmuck is going to “help” the store by taking matters into his own hands after he overhears me arguing with the greeter or manager. The store gives up after you leave the sidewalk, “hometown heroes” don’t.
Straight theft aside, I imagine it does also help them recover some losses from mistakes. Any time they catch somebody with legit missed items under the cart and guide them towards fixing it, loss averted. Start noticing it happens a lot from a particular cashier or self checkout supervisor and get them corrected, more losses averted. I imagine you’d need a fairly wide sample set to figure it out?
It’s not a…totally unfair concept in theory, but they really aught to find a way to make it feel less adversarial and it would be more tolerable.
But that just makes it seem discriminatory and unbalanced so apparently some managers want the theatrics 24/7 to avoid the complaints of unfair treatment.
This was in the back of my mind the entire time I was reading your comment. They may want to stop shoppers based only on when they see red-flag items in their cart, but that would leave things open for the door hosts to (consciously or not) stop shoppers based on the appearance of the shopper themselves. To mitigate that gray area, they decide to just stop everybody.
Security theater, just like the TSA. They don’t need to stop bad actors, they just need to convince their shareholders that they are taking action against losses.
Grocery stores crying about theft after firing clerks and replaced them with self check…
Fuxking idiots won’t connect the two dots because paying people money for work is fucking cancer to the parasite.
Every time they try to stop me at Walmart, I just say, no thank you, and keep walking. Nobody’s ever tried to stop me from leaving the store.
Sam’s club and Costco are a little different. I begrudgingly stop there because of the membership. We technically agreed to it in the terms of signing up.
Walmart receipt checkers infuriate me but Costco receipt checkers do not because Walmart is a predatory shithole while Costco is the opposite of that. It’s the same reason why I don’t give a shit if people steal from Walmart.
Costco is just as predatory. It is all about profit and they aren’t your friend.
“Welcome to Costco, I love you.”
Please don’t promote a movie that encourages eugenics.
Does it though? To me, it shows the horrors that it leads to. It does promote the idea that even the most average person can have ideas that can improve living conditions if given the chance.
It literally states that the poor are having more children and thus that’s going to destroy society. That’s great except for the part where it isn’t true.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Idiocracy. Great movie, it shows the decline of society due to the lack of education and increased birthrates of those who could not care less about anything but corporations. In one scene they go to Costco and the greeter says, “Welcome to Costco, I love you.”
The person who replied to my original post thought the movie promoted eugenics. I guess to a point, but it is more of a warning than a glorification.
Sure, it’s not a coöp, but at least they pay $20/hr starting wage, and $30/hr for half of their employees because they stay there so long.
There is nothing they can do legally besides ban you going forward. Unless you actually stole something
I always wonder why people get annoyed at receipt checkers, but then again I only see it at Costco.
I don’t have a nearby Walmart, so avoiding them is trivial
Costco requires a membership so it’s likely in their terms of service that you have to consent to their checks. Walmart does not, so you can refuse without any recourse.
Really depends on the person. Get a crotchety old guy and you may notice only certain people getting stopped. Or sometimes their tone obviously suggests you stole the groceries you just purchased, even though they have literally no authority or right to suggest such a thing. Or consider when I was ~12, a pedophile old man Walmart greeter tried to make moves on me. But that one might just be me.
The practice feels like/arguably is an accusation. From a multi-billion dollar corporation. When I legitimately bought this shit. Get out of my way.
I just say “no thanks!” and walk by. Our interaction is done once I’ve paid for my stuff. Want to check my receipt? Too bad, I get it on my phone and I’m not showing you my phone.
Just… Don’t stop? Keep walking. They legally can’t stop you and they know it. It’s a psychological barrier, not a physical or legal barrier. Make direct eye contact, smile, say “No, thanks” and keep walking. It’s worked for me so far.
I did this today as you suggested. I pretended I was deaf and didn’t even look at them when they tried waving at me and calling me. Normal employees no yellow vest either so they’re not even AP. Just kept walking
So, Walmart has a membership option now, which means, yes they can check your receipts. It’s not required my law (lol) but it is legal.
And yes, security theater to scare thieves away. I remedy this by not shopping at Walmart.
They can see my receipt for 10 bucks
It’s security theater. They have a whole department, loss control, that watches the cameras and double checks the inventory counts to find thieves and track stuff, plus RFID detectors for high value stuff. Anything that slips through the cracks ends up either insured or a write off that their accountants can use to justify not paying corporate taxes.
So when you see the receipt checker, derisively say no and keep walking. And if they lay so much as a finger on you, file assault charges.
After all, if the corporations can abuse the system, so can you.
Considering that the walmart near me uses exclusively elderly and/or special needs people to do receipt checking, I’m not so sure the “charge them with assault if they so much as touch you” is a great idea.
You can ignore them. Don’t even acknowledge and walk on by.
Just look pissed off and walk by as though they don’t exist. They’ll never bother you.
They don’t get paid enough to fight and they know it.
the club stores have been doing this for awhile. normalization of it is definately another step on the road to dystopia though.
Maybe we could stop shop lifting? It costs the stores money and profit loses to do this.
The idea is to make people who are stealing nervous