Formerly, died, moved here.
I don’t personally have anything against Pikachu as a Pokémon, but oh god once I opened a Falinks video for kids just because I like Falinks and was curious, and like… Pikachu was shoehorned into the Falinks video and I was displeased. I can see how people might dislike Pikachu for overexposure. Is that your reason, or is it something else?
I completely forgot about my dislike for Meowth until I saw a picture with Meowth
Username checks out.
I vaguely remember reading these as a little kid, was not expecting to get reminded of it by an anime adaptation.
I do think a lot of people online tend to forget teenagers use the internet when people express attraction. I distinctly remember reading a comment on Reddit about how the commenter expressed attraction to Joja Siwa online as a child, and got called a pedophile, and it made their same-age self worry that their attraction was pedophilia. So thanks for remembering.
Accidentally closed this article’s tab, coming back to get it back and to say thanks for posting, it was a fun read! I never even noticed the games having water/fire/electricity and that clashing with the water/fire/grass starter choice till this article pointed it out. Hearing about early fan reactions, seeing their creations is pretty cool and kind of nostalgic somehow. This kind of analysis is the stuff I come to fan communities online for.
The elemental monkeys (first stage specifically) always annoyed me for no rational reason at all, immediate Pokémon I think of when I think of “least favorite”. But that’s three Pokémon, so I have to pick something else.
Really not a fan of Gothita. Or the entire line. Pokémon that evoke more human-like designs usually land on my disliked list pretty quickly. Just a personal dislike, no idea where it comes from.
Haven’t watched this, but judging from the reactions people are giving I feel like it might be a yandere thing that isn’t coming off as that properly? There’s folks with consensual noncon fantasies and all that who might be interested. What about it makes you say “trash” specifically, and if you are suggesting hentai is it because this anime gets explicit/fanservicey?
My tone might be coming off judgmental but I do not mean it that way, just trying to figure out if I would like to watch or not. I am an adult who understands and respects boundaries. I also enjoy messed-up problematic dynamics in fiction sometimes.
Hey, Frieren has been sitting on my to-watch list for awhile, but despite the name of that list, whenever I pick something off of it I actually tend to look for a manga first.
How would you say the anime and manga compare?
I don’t have Netflix, but cheers for Cells at Work getting in front of more eyeballs! I watched the first season and finished the manga and several of the manga spinoffs. I really liked this show. Fun, educational, obsessed over it for awhile before moving on.
Late to post this because it took me awhile to find the video, but… more Eevee imitation
Thank you for typing one! I love reading peoples’ thoughts on the fiction they liked. If I didn’t want to know I would not have asked this question.
Not the biggest fan of their voices in this video, but appreciate the Ekans and Arbok animation.