Progressive metal & related genres (currently listening to the newest Eidola album on repeat, and some Dance Gavin Dance), and bebop jazz.
But I don’t program; I’m mostly cleaning up artwork for commercial printing.
Progressive metal & related genres (currently listening to the newest Eidola album on repeat, and some Dance Gavin Dance), and bebop jazz.
But I don’t program; I’m mostly cleaning up artwork for commercial printing.
But National level organizations have always been one of the biggest problems
I agree with that 100%. No matter how good the local group is, it can quickly be poisoned by the national org. I understand wanting to organize nationally, because that’s how you start to wield real power, buuuuuuuttttttt…
The problem is they don’t under leninism.
Not all of leftists are Leninists though. Certainly some are, maybe most. But Leninism is only one form of leftist belief. I’m personally much closer to an anarchist than a Leninist. (…And I’m very, very aware that anarchists end up getting executed as soon as leftist coalitions take power.) I also recognize that a truly non-hierarchical society is functionally unworkable at anything larger than a tribal level, and that there’s a strong tendency for non-hierarchical socialist societies to devolve into authoritarianism at the slightest provocation.
I disagree. The defining characteristic of the left is the belief in owning the means of production. Authoritarian right still believes in privately owned corporations owning the means of production, while the authoritarian left believes in state ownership of the means of production. (Which, IMO, is slightly worse than corporate ownership, as you have no higher authority to whom you can appeal.) The anti-authoritarian left believes that the people themselves should directly control the means of production, without an intermediary like the state.
I’m surprised that Harley Davidson is scaling them back. HD, as a brand, is dying. Their core demographic is old white men that have a lot of disposable income. If HD wants to be viable for the next 20++ years, they need to expand their customer demographics; eliminating DEI is the opposite of that.
Eh, whatever. I’ll just keep riding my Honda and Triumph.
Of course, it doesn’t prove your point. Have you seen any of the detainees personally? Are you just going to rely on reports from western media about them, or from family members that are thousands of miles away? Do you believe that it’s “top secret” just because western media is telling you it is?
Or is it perhaps more likely that concentration camps, black sites, and detention facilities for ‘irregular combatants’ would maybe not be something that is open to reporters, and perhaps locals might not be willing to be open about them with foreigners?
hence why I encourage people to visit Xinjiang and try to find these millions-strong concentration camps or just
By that logic, there have never been any detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Why, if there were, surely you could just walk into Gitmo and see them yourself! But you can’t! So they must not have every existed!
An AK-47. The biggest reason that I haven’t gotten one is that it’'s just not very practical. Parts aren’t interchangeable without a lot of hand fitting, ammunition has gotten ridiculously expensive due to sanctions against Russia, range isn’t great (those 7.62 bullets are heavy and slow; hitting anything past 200y is a real challenge), etc., etc. They’ve also gotten fairly expensive, while prices for more modern rifles have dropped sharply.
I might still get one eventually. I’d like to have one, just to shoot for fun, but there are so many other higher priorities.
I wonder if they’re aware that male lions will kill the leader of a pride to take his place, and then kill the cubs of that male in order to force the lionesses into estrus? Would they support the same behavior in people? Or is it only the corporal punishment parts?
Neither of the people in those photos need glasses. Or, those glasses have plano lenses; there’s no distortion at the edges.
Large frames like those require very hiugh index lenses, because otherwise your lenses get really thick at the edges. My prescription is fairly bad, and I need 1.67 index to avoid stupidly heavy lenses.
Also, frames without nose pads don’t usually stay put on your face. I find them very uncomfortable, esp. since I have to wear glasses for everything.
Ironic that they claim all of their decisions are backed by data, but still employ corporal punishment. That’s something that had been quite definitively demonstrated to be far less effective than other measures.
A gay bar doesn’t have a (largely) monolithic political identity though. Sure, most gay people are going to trend more socially and fiscally liberal/left. But you’ll still find a number at any gay bar that are fairly socially and/or fiscally conservative. Log cabin Republicans, for instance. (Yeah, I think it’s dumb to kiss the asses of ppl that want to eliminate your rights, but whatever.)
I think that you might misunderstand. Transgender people are already a very, very small minority. The number of people that are in favor of authoritarian communism is also quite low (certainly in the US, at least). Even if you assume that, say, 50% of all trans people are supportive of authoritarian communism, that’s still an incredibly tiny number.
I can’t say that I know a ton of transgender people, but the ones that I’ve personally known have trended well into anarchism, because they recognize the risk of allowing anyone to control their body other than themselves.
It seems unlikely that half of their users would be transgender, given that transgender people make up roughly .5% of the overall population; gay people (gay men + lesbians) make up roughly 4.5-5% of the overall population the last time I looked at demographics. All of the LGBTQ+ people together make up about 6% of the total population in the US.
These numbers might have changed somewhat in the last year or two since I last check surveys, but it’s not likely that it’s changed enough to move the numbers sharply.
I know that there was some investigative reporting in my state a few months ago trying to figure out how many minors would be affected by a state-level ban on insurance covering gender-affirming care for minors, and the number was in in the very low double digits. The same kind of numbers of athletes would be affected by bans on ‘biological males’ competing in womens’ sports.
I’m just saying that it just doesn’t seem very likely that an instance with thousands of users would have that kind of demographics, esp. when you consider that Hexbear broadly has a monolithic political identity.
I’m not going to tell you how to live your life–I can barely live my own–but is there a specific reason that you aren’t interested, other than the fact that she’s more comfortable with the idea of sex than you are?
First: as someone with a strong evangelical Christian background, I can sympathize with discussions about sex–and specifically about your sex life–being deeply uncomfortable. Unfortunately, that’s something that you’re going to have to discuss with any potential romantic partner, and sooner rather than later. (Because let me tell you, significant differences in sex drive and desire will tank every and any relationship).
Second: Drinks are not necessarily a commitment to anything more. I would prefer coffee (or tea) as a first date since it’s even lower pressure, but many people prefer alcohol because it’s a social lubricant. Your call there. My suggestion would be to start by getting to know the person. I’m autistic (seriously), and IMO the most honest approach is to be direct, despite how hard it is when you want to please people. Yes, being a people pleaser means that you’re going to want to tell her what you think she wants to hear, rather than what you really feel, and that will bite you in the ass, repeatedly. And yeah, anxiety and things like rejection sensitive dysphoria are going to make that exceptionally hard.
Third: you said that she was a ride to a meeting; can you elaborate on what kind of meeting? I’m asking because if this is someone that you’re going to have to see in a professional setting, you do need to proceed very carefully. Workplace relationships–or relationship rejections–can be very fraught.
Last: I’m not as immediately opposed to age gaps in relationships as some people. I do generally think that the (n/2)+7 rule is a decent rule of thumb, but it’s not an absolute. The reason that rule generally exists, IMO, is that people in different generations have different cultural markers, things that were significant in the formation of their personality and worldview, and large differences there can make relationships more challenging. E.g., if you remember 11 September '01 and the political fallout, while she grew up fully immersed in the prevailing political climate, then it might be hard to see eye to eye on some things. There can also be imbalances of maturity and power that can result from larger age differences, e.g., you might be much more set both professionally and financially, which could make the relationship less equal. So it’s something to be aware of and careful about.
I feel like no one that’s offended by this has ever made their own chili. When chili is made right, beans or not, it should be about this consistency when it’s room temperature. Chili is supposed to be a main course, not a soup, and it’s not supposed to be thin.
Having used Wolf brand chili before, it’s just fine once it’s heated up. It’s solidly okay as canned chili.
In the very strictest sense, not exactly. If you looked at resumes with all indicators of race and gender removed, then you would probably see that the people with the highest amount of merit were white men.
…But that’s only half of the story.
The issue is that, broadly speaking, white men will have had more advantages growing up that allowed them to have that merit. It’s no indicator of potential. If you get a head start on the race, then sure, you’re much more likely to end up winning, not because you’re inherently faster, but because you got an advantage. DEI is part of an attempt to find the people who have the potential to be the best, no just the people that are the best right now.