You didn’t swallow the onion.
Reality did.
You didn’t swallow the onion.
Reality did.
Nah there are always rich oligarchs looking for lawyers, no shortage of clients even in peacetime.
Measure of a man and it’s not close.
They spend the whole episode debating the nature of humanity and fundamental rights, and how they must all be defended, even for those who seem like they could be ignored for convenience.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
Basically the motto of the south since the founding.
Firstly, many of them aren’t casual racists, they take it very seriously and train constantly, you need to respect their dedication.
Secondly, yes it broke them.
From their point of view we did it just to hurt and insult them, it was a declaration of total war and that’s basically how we ended up here.
The south was so unimaginably racist that Hitler actually looked at Jim crow and thought it went too far and the German people wouldn’t tolerate it.
The south was always here, we just never let them take charge before.
That’s been suggested, the problem is that that requires additional infrastructure, either digging a pit for the battery to be lowered into via elevator, or raising the car in such a way they still have access to the pack.
Former is more likely but digging pits like at oil changes is not cheap either.
Mostly it’s a chicken-egg scenario: nobody will make the facilities until there are cars to use it… And the other way.
Fairly unlikely, we engineer things to fail safe.
Even if so we have ways to calculate the power going in and coming out, and if there’s an imbalance kill everything, that’s how gfci and arc fault breakers work.
P=i x v
But also
P=i^2 x r
Power goes up with linearly with voltage but to thw square or I.
Fuck that’s way too real for me rn.
We’ve had a malignant cancer for centuries that suddenly came out of remission.
It’s called The South.
I’d go fetch more gasoline.
Please, his trog voters make him look like Alvin Eisenstein.
In America, we define respect of other peoples’ beliefs and cultures as apathy.
We politely ignore them, they politely ignore us, so long as nobody crosses a line the arrangement works splendidly.
And you misunderstood entirely.
I’m speaking of respect for each other’s uniqueness without embracing it.
You can be or do whatever you want, I respect your right to do so even if I think it’s stupid. I just stay mostly quiet about it, maybe light mockery.
I think religious people are basically mentally disabled. But so long as they follow basic rules (don’t enforce it on others or your kids strongly), then let the short bus morons believe whatever they want.
Would we be better off with religious eliminated by force? Possibly. But then someone else would have another crazy idea and decide things would be better if nonbelievers of that were eliminated by force, and the circle would begin again.
The coasts are still fairly safe, but I see your point.
I personally sent my family to Europe last year, they’re citizens but our child is interracial, and being brown I know exactly what that means wrt the absolute subhuman monsterous filth in the south.