Where I live, you can see s mansion next to a barely standing hovel. It’s wild.
Someone mentioned Oliver Stone movie. Is that not Western enough?
The main thing is solidarity. We tease out the largest knots first and tease out the smaller ones once that work is done.
I wish I’d gotten my shit together a lot sooner, but it’s spilled milk now. Onward!
Hey, you described me, but it’s more like a hustle here a hustle there.
It happens. Steve Bannon’s flood the zone is a deliberate tactic.
It’s going to be bloody. Population dramatically reduced. I believe they foresaw this and that’s why women are now house slave baby factories. They will be called the lucky ones, unless they bring back temple sex workers I guess.
I’m just wondering how long until technocrats decide he’s served their purpose and no longer is an asset.
Came to ask for this, thank you!
I’d be interested in learning more about it. I have an upcoming project, so I don’t know how much time I will have to contribute, but I would like to know more so I can decide if this project will allow for it.
How covert is it if it’s on CNN?