A month? That is not enough :(
A month? That is not enough :(
Can we make it 3 for 1maybe? Too greedy?
I love Factorio and played all 3 of the Industrial revolution mods from start to finish and also K2 or whatever it was called but the expansion is just too much. I am stuck at aquilos.
I found gleba to be death before it changed me and after that I spent too much time there just having fun. Probably over 100 hours. Aquilos… Yeah, no. Doesn’t help that my ship I flew on there got ripped apart because of something I messed up. It is still alive and can hold itself now but I can’t get away and building a new ship felt like a hassle. Guess I just have to find the time and patience to make a new, better ship and also try to get aquilos going. The mechanic for that planet isn’t much fun either :(
Imagine if everyone in the world would just say “fuck no, I am not cooking for you” and the billionaires would die of starvation because they don’t know how to do. Hilarious.
Maybe we need Mario now?
If you let the invaders win, how do you think the future will look? They will look around and go for more. Giving Russia what they want is not the way.
This was me and my SO then we had a kid… Those moments are very rare now :(
I envy people who can play games fast with their groups. Often I can like a game but if it takes more time than it feels like it is worth it is hard to find space for it.
Now I don’t play much any more since moving away from my group but when we get together I am always amazed that some of them still don’t think of their turn before it’s time to make a move. At least have a general idea of what you want to do.
Wish I had the patience to learn all units and their counters. Game grinded to a halt for me because of this even though I like it. Will give it another go some time this year.
This was fun. Then my phone started acting up.