Trump declared Biden’s pardons “VOID” in a late-night Truth Social post, claiming they were signed by autopen without Biden’s knowledge—despite Trump having used autopen during his first term.
Trump warned pardoned individuals, including January 6th committee members (who weren’t charged with crimes), that they’re “subject to investigation at the highest level.”
Critics characterized his statements as “dictator shit” and questioned their legality, with one commenting this represents “the 17th constitutional crisis of just this weekend alone.”
He should be wary. Lest such fuckery become a prescident.
Oh, that’s what it takes to finally call him a dictator?
Some days you see this shit and wonder why you participate in a meaningless system that lets convicts be President.
Like as naked apes on a floating rock in eternal space I gotta wake up every morning to go to work and “be a good worker” while this motherfucker breaks laws and wants to make up shit as he goes.
Cool. No wonder I have no more motivation to be a good worker anymore.
Sometimes I hope the asteroid wipes us out in 2032
I’m rooting for the AI ending. Maybe something superior can be born out of humanity so we served some kind of purpose.
Give the cephalopods the reigns
I declare Trump’s presidency void. He isn’t obeying laws; he’s no longer a legitimate president. He is a dictator. And a hypocrite any time he enforces laws of any kind.
To clarify, I think someone who has broken laws CAN enforce them without being a hypocrite, but only if they have taken accountability for the laws they have broken.
This is the oath presidents must make before exercising any official powers or duties:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
He has been very obviously doing the complete opposite of that. The GOP has some pretty flexible mental gymnasts in their circus, but I don’t think even they will be able to dodge this one.
My understanding of the supreme court ruling was that he has immunity only for “official acts”. So… If he violates this oath, he isn’t authorized to exercise any official powers of the presidency, and thus anything he’s doing isn’t official! Right? I hope so. It’d give me something to look forward to as we suffer through the next 4 years.
Maybe Trump thought execute meant kill the office of the president
Wait, is that Donald “I can declassify documents by thinking it” Trump who is tweeting?
I had this in my office Fantasy Dictator Pool: before end of March, POTUS will attempt to undo Biden’s pre-emptive pardons.
But I sincerely hope my other predictions DON’T come true. They’re much darker.
I wish I could have a pool like that. Everyone I work with is very pro Trump. Its pretty sad.
Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll go through with his denuclearization plan and that will finally be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and the military will take him out.
How depressing that our best case scenario is a military coup.
He already purged the generals and JAG, so I don’t know how likely that is or even if it would improve things.
There is pretty much no scenario on earth that has our military take him out. It just won’t happen and we should stop believing in this pipe dream.
German w/eyepatch Tom Cruise tried to assassinate Hitler, but it was unsuccessful.
Could someone please take one for the team and end all this.
Assassination is not going to work. The line of succession is pretty shitty.
Ain’t no line of succession for Elon.
There were very few attempts on Hitler’s life and he directly killed millions of people. Trump will indirectly kill millions and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are no more attempts on his life.
There were very few attempts on Hitler’s life
If ≥42 is ‘very few’, what do you consider to be a normal number of assassination attempts?
Considering what he was doing? Yes, that’s very little.
They are mostly foreigners. Until the next pandemic hits, trumps cuts probably hit the world’s most impoverished, most oppressed people the hardest. It shouldn’t make a difference that they’re not Americans since people are people, but it does.
I imagine it’s the same as with hitler. It’s not just the inherent racism, but it’s harder to care as much about people the farther they are geographically or culturally or nationality.
I’m not trying to encourage this but I think it’s realistic
Why not you?
I got kids. :( also I am not very “accurate” or even knowledgable of the required implements.
End? Hah, if you killed him he’d be a martyr and his successor Great Leader Vance would run a more competent fascist operation.
Vance has an old school polotician side. If left to himself, he wouldn’t go against the courts for example. He is just willing to say what trump wants him to say.
Vance is incompetent and slimey. Trump is only getting away with this shit because 45%ish of Americans find him sophmorically funny.
He and Elon are simply too dangerous and if America wants to continue being a country both of them need very public lessons to discourage copycats.
What if we get a 2 for 1 special?
Can we make it 3 for 1maybe? Too greedy?
Thomas Crooks tried.
Such a child. “My Pardons are better than yours”
He just can’t stand that we are not just laying down and receiving his limp penis.
Bright lining preemptive pardons would also effect the ones he’s issued including his own.
He’s saying its because of the auto pen. If he signed with hand then he won’t think it’s invalid.
Doesn’t matter pardons have specifically and by my estimate intentionally not been brought lined in basically any way. There are traditions by the rest is sorta wishy washy.
Honestly, man rants like he’s on a bad trip - with so much projection that it burns the eyes
Dementia will do that to you
Oh, I thought he was naming DJT “Dictator Shit”.
Check his diaper, apparently that’s the scent within 20 ft of him.
No that’s Dictator Tot
Slam it all you want, it means nothing until someone actually does something.
There’s not much holding him back. He’s been defying cour rulings left and right. The Dems are spineless and we’re fucked.
I think they’re waiting to see if trump declares martial law just cuz on easter, like he said
“SLAMMED!”, I pronounce into the face of the arresting ICE agent.
“S-S-S-SLAMMED!”, I cry out as the DHS official drags me down a hallway towards my El Salvadorian prison cell.
“Seee-Lamb-da!”, I exclaim as the door to my cell clangs shut.
Europe watching the USA lately:
Try living beside them.
Try being a sane person living here
Yeah… shit’s getting wild, and not in a good way
If we get through this presidency, and that’s a big if, then we’ve got a fascist infestation and their enablers in congress that we’re going to need to take care of.
We’ve had a fascist infestation for 100 years
Time to truly drain the swamp by fucking force.
Don’t disrespect swamps like that, they’re a vital ecosystem. This is more like excising the cancer.
Don’t disrespect swamps like that, they’re a vital ecosystem. This is more like excising the cancer.
Don’t disrespect swamps like that, they’re a vital ecosystem. This is more like excising the cancer.
Don’t disrespect swamps like that, they’re a vital ecosystem. This is more like excising the cancer.