I mean, he’s not wrong if you count “away from Schumer” as a ‘real direction’.
I mean, he’s not wrong if you count “away from Schumer” as a ‘real direction’.
Here’s what I can tell you.
School food service management companies are going to pull out of a lot of school districts, if not out of public school service entirely. Districts were working on shoestring budgets with all-but-nonexistent profit margins before Trump returned to office and declared war on the poor. The cuts to grants that Trump has made already are going to put these districts underwater by year’s end. And that’s a generous estimate.
Now, say what you will about the major food service companies out there (Chartwells, Sodexo, Aramark, Wixons, etc.). And god knows there are problems with all of them. I say this having worked for one of them. But what I will also say is that even the worst of these companies is still better than many districts that will try to self-operate. And while some school districts can and do self-op successfully, far more have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. “Management” is typically whoever drew the short straw, or whoever is low man on the totem pole. They often have no idea what they’re doing and know nothing about 90% of the rules, regulations, and practices of food service. Further, they couldn’t care less because they have their actual jobs to do and food service barely even makes the priority list at all, let alone being low priority. “Menu planning” becomes little more than “There’s a hamburger, french fries, and some milk. What more do you want?”. The districts don’t have the leverage to buy at bulk rates like a school food service company does, so the food often costs more.
So the waste, fraud, and abuse is going to increase exponentially. Much of it is going to be due to sheer incompetence and a lack of buying power. Some will see it as a way to divert money into programs that they actually do care about – a practice that was already common before Trump – or in some cases, directly into their pockets. Others are going to intentionally sabotage the program because they want school lunch service out of their schools entirely, hoping to follow the political winds and have the federal mandates requiring participation in the NSLP repealed.
Take a look at the crap your kids are getting served today. That’s the healthiest they’re gonna eat at school for a long, long time.
Someone needs to be talking to Schumer’s PR team about concepts like “optics”, “timing”, and “reading the room” that are apparently foreign concepts to them. You don’t all-but abandon the Democrat party by voting for the budget he’s going to use to gut American social safety nets, essentially becoming a cuck for Trump, and saying there’s nothing the Senate can do to stop him and then go out and launch a fucking book tour days later.
I hope his book tour stops are met with Democrat voters telling him what a fucking loser he is.
This has been known for a long time. Nobody is buying the 13802804329th “tell-all” book about Trump written by some no-name politician (I know Schumer has name value, but I’m speaking in general terms here) enough to catapult them to the best sellers’ list.
So I figure give it a week and Trump will pull like $500 million in funding.
In unrelated news, Harvard will fire these guys in about 2 weeks.
So, everybody around here who keeps saying “There are laws preventing this!” and “Even Trump won’t directly defy court orders like that!”…
Now what?
This is the justice system that you think is going to keep Trump in check and hold him accountable? They’re much more likely to rubber-stamp his agenda and give him more power. And no, that’s not hyperbole or sarcasm. It’s what the courts have been doing, and it’s what John Roberts recently signaled he’d sign on for.
If you believe for half a second that our justice system is going to hold the line against Trump, I’ve got some sweet, sweet Martian beachfront property you might be interested in. Musk recently said he’s sending a ship there soon, so get in on the ground floor now!
I never fucking want to hear “Trump will never be able to do that, because that’s illegal!” from you people again. If there is nobody willing or able to enforce the law, the “law” becomes nothing more than a suggestion that can and will be ignored when inconvenient. And right now, nobody seems either willing or able to hold Trump to account for anything.
Is that when they send a letter ORDERING his compliance in all caps?
While you’re at it, take a look at this beachfront property I have for sale. On Mars. Elon Musk is planning on sending one of his rockets up there soon, so you’d better get in on the ground floor on this one!
Until Trump just ignores it.
They’ll do the same thing everybody else has been doing. Capitulate harder.
If they do actually try and start impeachment against a judge, do keep the pressure on the senate to vote no, but don’t preemptively doom about it. It just makes people defeatest and stop fighting
This would be a lot easier to do if Democrats hadn’t spent the past 2 months crumbling like a house of cards at every opportunity the minute they feel even a hint of pressure. We’ve collectively said numerous times that “THIS” is going to be where Democrats hold the line and take a stand, only to watch them step aside and not even attempt to resist every single time.
It’s like watching re-runs. You already know what the outcome is going to be, and if you see it enough times you can start reciting the script yourself.
Given that we’re seeing Democrats in both the House and Senate rolling over and playing dead, getting there may not be as difficult as one would expect. Last week, if you’d have said 10 democrats would join with Republicans to censure one of their own, or that Schumer would bail on his own party on a crucial vote at the last minute with no warning, people would have been skeptical. But here we are.
And remember, it’s 2/3 of all members present. If a couple of these cowards just stay home, they make the GOP’s efforts significantly easier. And I could easily see a few of these cowards sit it out.
Fetterman just took over Manchin’s position as Senate DINO. Schumer left his entire party high and dry at the last minute and out of nowhere to vote with Trump. That 2/3 vote may be a lot closer than you think.
The problem is that they’re not trying to hide it. They openly say this is how it’s going to work now.
Look at Columbia. They refused to cooperate. Then they got 400 million yanked out from under them. And then they fell right in line.
“Hey, could y’all do me a solid and just cede more power to me voluntarily? That’d be great!”
– Trump
Not even the slightest bit of resistance. Asked for nothing, got nothing. Just caved like a house of cards because of the “optics” around shutting down a bunch of government agencies that Trump is about to shut down anyway.
And the rest of our representatives are falling in line. Not even putting up a fight. Just rolling over and playing dead. Thanks, guys. Good to know that in our fight for democracy, we can rely on you to step aside and let Trump take a giant shit on it.
I guess when you take $400 million away in funding, it’s pretty easy to get them to fall in line.
Expect more of this going forward. Universities are about to get a lot more MAGA.
This will be ignored for one or both of the following:
John Roberts has already signalled his support for the Unitary Executive Theory, which would basically give Trump the power to do exactly what he’s doing. Trump will likely immediately appeal this to the Supreme Court, where they will either rule in favor of Trump via the UET, or will simply stall the case for months without issuing a ruling, leaving the affected workers in legal limbo. Those workers still have families to feed and can’t wait months for a ruling that is unlikely to even go their way. Most of them will simply move on to other jobs in the interim, rendering the whole thing moot in practice as the end result will be the same: A whole bunch of federal workers losing their jobs.
Trump will simply ignore the ruling, probably demanding that the judge be impeached and launching a smear campaign against him as well. With no actual enforcement mechanism, the judge’s only real response to Trump essentially telling him to go fuck himself is to issue another order “demanding” compliance, which has all the force of law of saying “pretty please”. Trump will basically challenge the judge and essentially say “What are you going to do about it?” and that’s the last we’ll hear about it as the judge isn’t going to openly admit that he has no way to force compliance or impose consequences for non-compliance, especially given SCOTUS’ previous rulings on Presidential immunity.
Look at it this way. Think of how many other judges have already ordered Trump to reinstate workers. Now look at how many of those workers have actually been reinstated. Look at how many other workers he keeps illegally firing despite those orders. That should tell you all you need to know regarding where this is going to go.
And doesn’t the man have like a zillion kids with multiple different women?
Imagine being one of Musk’s other children. You know, the ones who don’t get their attention from their father while this one random kid gets all of it.
They already are afraid to show their dumb faces to their constituents. The problem is that the constituents don’t have the power to actually do anything. The only thing that constituents have left is violence. And yes, that’s exactly what the GOP is doing. But at that point, it almost becomes a pyrrhic victory. Our elections will be decided not by the votes but by whichever side has the most thugs willing to commit the most violence.