An order of magnitude! Insanity. Cannot wait. Fun snake and metal gear refs.
Anyone know what’s up with Heartman’s actor?
An order of magnitude! Insanity. Cannot wait. Fun snake and metal gear refs.
Anyone know what’s up with Heartman’s actor?
Aw poor clock. You made the right move. Sorry about your family member. We had an infestation before Covid. Moved. Sold all wooden furniture. High heat all clothing and soft toys (some melted, sorry ikea moose). Lived in fear for years. Almost? Over? It? If you go back, just burn the place to the ground. There are treatments, but without your landlord evicting everyone, burning all their furniture and melting all their plushies, I wouldn’t trust a word out of their mouths. One bed bug won’t live that long. Good luck with your credit, it’s doable. Don’t go back!
I think the main thing is they have the tiredness, they just need a sort of meditative state. Some like music, some need lights on intense Lego, even screen time can chill some minds to the right state. I wouldn’t rule anything out, and it’ll probably change with time. It’s like they’re all spikey in the brain and you need to smooth that shit out with an activity, and for some kids that’s dark and quiet, bless them, others, it’s not.
Munch the moneyed
tbf I went from Wii to PS4 and shit a brick
There was about a 10 month post gap with no new activity, but we couldn’t get it out of our heads.