Only if the area is saturated with bottoms. If it’s saturated with tops, trying being the one getting ploughed.
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Only if the area is saturated with bottoms. If it’s saturated with tops, trying being the one getting ploughed.
This is more an example of reverse psychology, than it is of gaslighting. Also I hella wish you could do shit like this in a video game that wasn’t just human vs human. There’s no psychological warfare when your opponent has no psyche. 😮💨
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.
Fry them, scalloped, julienned too.
They’ll think you’re cool if you flip them the bird. 😎
I’ve never been middle class as an adult. I believe I am what’s known as is “dirt fucking poor.”
Insane motherfuckers: “Pour the acetone in my mouth!”
Well yeah. They’d be killing people. 🤷🏻♂️ /s
They basically want to kill me
Just remove the word basically and it will have been at least one accurate statement I’ve seen him make.
Having been a relay operator for a few years, this is true even in English. You might be able to guess what someone is saying (and the floor managers always encouraged trying to) but you’ll never have 100% accuracy and it’s far less confusing to the person getting the “translation” if you don’t have to make any corrections by actually waiting for the person to finish their sentence.
I dunno about an accent, but if you go to the right planet, you could talk out of Uranus.
Let’s pretend that society is collapsing and then, when they’re all locked in their bunkers, we cement them in and go about fixing the world.
Dudes got a bitchin’ haircut. I wonder what product he used to spike it like that.
Your mom had nothing to do the whole time. She was a mother bored.
A lot of big fantasy games have a blending of a myriad of mythology. Like everything is inspired by something that came from somewhere. D&D, and by extension many videos games using the rules and settings, is among those included. They have things ranging from typical Anglo-Saxon myths to Japanese kappa, Egyptian gods, and more.
Wouldn’t it be pretty much everything? It’s still federally illegal here in the states so it can’t go over the border even if made in a legal state. If you’re not buying off the black market but at a dispensary, I’m pretty sure you’re not going to be buying American imported weed.
a finger on the monkey’s paw curls
Your wish is granted, and you immediately die from 8 years of accumulated dehydration happening all at once.
The Sims 4 (or 3, I forget) strove to reach the dream version of this: You buy a cheap property in a fully open world and ‘functioning’ town and you could walk from your front door to the town center, and the neighbour you see may also drive to town and you’ll see them there
That was 3. 3 also has the best customization system where you can make custom patterns for literally every object in the game, so you never had to live with mismatching furniture if you didn’t want to.
The word you’re looking for is “coincidence.” Humans are literally pattern recognition machines; we’ll see patterns in random noise if we look long enough. People finding meaning in patterns they see and can’t explain is pretty natural. It becomes problematic, though, when we do have explanations for things and those explanations are ignored.
It’d take me over a month to reach DC if I walked there.
I only notice that the bigger the resolution, the smaller the text when the game in question has poor scaling options for the 2D elements…